Chapter 8: Talking to Baron Jackson
I have some time left before I usually get off. I still have proof of the Elemental in my inventory to show for a reward back in Blue Grass. I am pretty far away and I have a debuff for giving a lot of power to the Holy Willow Tree to help it come back to life. It will take at least 3 hours before I'll get back. Might as well start now, it will be easy to kill the monsters I run into on the way back. I am still much stronger than them. I only have to get a significant strike on them and they will die. You cant just graze them or touch them, you have to put force in.
The sun is still high in Ancients World and I can't find anything that would signify that this is a fake world. Everything looks and feels real, if there wasn't an interface you would think you lived somewhere else. When I kill weak mobs, I get a low amount of exp in return even more so now that I am higher than the rest of them. I will probably get a quest from Baron Jackson, but I am tempted to go to another area that spawns stronger enemies for my level just like the area on the other side of Plague Cave.
After 3 and a half hours I make it back to Blue Grass and I feel like I have just ran 15 miles straight without walking. Talk about a debuff. I even used my new parry skill and got 80 exp for it. The perk inheritor of the sword works well with all these active skills. I got another 150 exp for my slash skill bringing it half way to level 7. I am tempted too just log off and come back on tomorrow after my debuff is gone, but I am already in the city and I see no point in waiting to talk to Baron Jackson.
I walk up to the lord of the cities mansion and I am stopped by the guards, they don't have any names, but they are powerful.
[Knight of Blue Grass Lvl.80 tier 1]
1,200,000/1,200,000 HP
The NPC's in this world are much higher levels than the players, but only specific NPC's can enter dungeons to clear them. That is what the lore said anyway, it gives purpose to the players. The NPC's see the players as gifts and some of them think us cursed. They have there own opinions of us, but they don't voice them often. One reason why they weren't bothered when we appeared is because we are weak. We hold no threat to them in their eyes and they are right.
The guard looks me up and down as he turns to his partner at the gate. "What business do you have with the Baron, citizen?" They are doing there jobs just like a person would. Instead of talking I pull the heart of the Elemental out of my inventory and show it too them. "Now I get why you are here. JOHNSON!! OPEN THE GATE!! THE BARON HAS A VISITOR!!" The man yells to his fellow guard on the other side of the gate.
The gate opens and the guard tilts his head for me to continue inside. I walk down the path and I am greeted by some butlers and maids at the front door. They all lower there heads in a slight customary bow. "Please come inside, if what Chris said is true then the Baron does want to see what you have." I nod in response and continue into the house aa I am led by the head butler Charles.
[Head Butler Charles Lvl.75 tier 1]
1,012,000/1,012,000 HP
Charles is powerful for a servant, he is also a magic user by the looks of things. We approach a big door and it opens on its own upon approach. Looking at the beautiful room you can tell that Baron Jackson has good taste. What catches my eye is the big window that has a view of the lawn and the surrounding mountains and forests.
The Baron comes into the office from a side door and looks at me with amusement. He's probably having a hard time believing a 19 year old beat an Elemental. "So I heard from my guards that you have slain an Elemental. May I see its heart?" He walks to his desk as he speaks and sits down. I give a slight bow just like the butler did for me in a show of good faith. "Finally one that can show some respect." It is common at this point in the game that the players piss off NPC's. I have no intention of doing that. I pull the heart of the Elementals avatar out and put it on the little table prepared for it. The Baron waves his hand and the heart flies off the table into his hand. I take this time to inspect him.
[Baron Jackson Lvl.150 tier 3]
2,005,000/2,005,000 HP
This guy is the strongest person in the city and you can feel it. When players begin to reach level 20 we will be able to view more information on NPC's, but at this point information is being blocked by there power we just don't know it. He intently inspects the heart and rubs his clean shaven face. "How did you manage to kill this Elemental? By the looks of it, it was very old." He turns his head to me expecting an answer.
I can feel the energy drain right now so I am a little sluggish. "I was exploring the hills north of the entrance of the city and I came across an old looking cave. There were lots of undead, but I took care of them. On the other side of the cave in a forested area I found an old home. I don't know what happened to the original owners, but the Elemental had set up a nest in the basement." I finish saying slowly trying to ward off the need for sleep. The Baron looks seriously at his butler Charles and then chuckles to himself.
He gets up and approaches me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "I can see that you are tired, young man. You are welcomed to sleep here for the night. My subordinates and I have much to discuss." I nod and he takes that as a yes. Butler Charles takes me to a guest room and leaves me to my own time. I lay on the soft bed and exit out of the game as my player character stays in bed.
I open my gaming pod and the sun is setting out of my window. I made pretty good time now that I think about it. My body doesn't feel tired, but my mind sure does. I think now would be a good time to check the forums with my laptop downstairs with my family. I bring my laptop downstairs and sit on the couch looking at the various threads. Most were about the fairy kingdom and me. Others were talking about the rewards that the church of light is willing to give. I have done a great job keeping myself hidden and not getting caught. I continue to read threads until dinner as now we are all ready to eat.
In Ancients World Baron Jackson was speaking to his oldest friend Charles. "I guess that means their souls are now free. These new people can enter places we can't. I wonder what my grandfather would think about all this." The home that Cera cleared was actually the home of the Jackson family. Baron Jackson is not the only one in a seat of power. His grandfather is the treasurer of state in Zenith. There has been chaos since Herold Marcus the II became king. It is even worse now that he has angered the Almighty Father himself and is going to receive divine punishment.
There may be a point in the future that war will becoming to Zenith on account of Herold Marcus. The NPC's hear different versions of the announcements, but they also know that there are incredible rewards. NPC's are capable of taking quests and completing them, in the future an NPC actually gets a legendary class. This divine punishment is as tempting to them as it is for the players.
Charles walks over to the window and looks up at the beautiful starry sky. "Do you think he is the one that the church is looking for?" Charles is a very intelligent man and knows that this particular new person that has come with the others is different.
Baron Jackson walks up next to his shorter butler and looks at the stars as well. "I believe he is, but we cant do anything about it because the king has banned the church from searching this country for him." They both understand that Herold is crazy enough to go to war for something that he thinks is his.
The butler adjusts his monocle and pulls out his pocket watch. "You are not wrong my lord. Perhaps not doing anything with this information is best. Our country is not capable of fighting the church. As well as Herold, who brings us to war." Charles says the last part of that sentence in a sigh.
They both know that they have met The Son of Arch-Angel Michael, they will not notify the church or their king because war will surely follow. The church will do everything in its power to bring in the son of Michael and the grandson of the Almighty Father. To them he is a treasure that must be protected and guarded. "Well my old friend, when he leaves tomorrow we will never speak of this to anyone except each other." They both stay quiet in agreement and prepare for the meetings scheduled tomorrow.
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