Chapter 107: Healed up
{Please read Author note}
Its been several hours since I've gotten out of the hot spring. My body isn't all pruney anymore, my limbs are moving without any problems. Most of my injuries have healed, while we still have to deal with injuries we also get an accelerated healing rate. Well I do at least, I don't know about anyone else. I stand up and stretch my limbs out, I test every part of my body to make sure nothing is out of place. I still have lots of notifications to read, and my disappointment about no level ups is great. I have a feeling I'm the only one that didn't get a level up as well, and while that is unfair for all the fighting I just did. It makes sense. If I got exp for all those kills I'd be in the 80s or 90s, and that isn't something the system wants. If I get to strong to fast I'll hit a wall, and that will be tier up quests.
If a player has to many tier up quests at once you can consider your time gone. It'll take months traveling all over finishing tier up quests, even with my wings that will still take time. Time is precious to players, and grinding levels is an indication of growth. If that growth stops, then falling behind is a guarantee. Out of the many notifications most are about reputation boost with certain groups. Killing that Avatar made a lot of NPC's want to get into contact with me, and with both the church of light and the church of dark ones constantly after me I'll need to face them eventually. Question is do I completely hide my identity and only show my title to them, or reveal everything.
I can get a lot of help from the church, but I have a strong feeling they will never leave me alone. With that in mind I'll hold off for awhile, when I'm a higher level and tier than I am now I'll reveal myself. I may change my mind though, it really depends on how my life unfolds from this point on. Speaking of moving on I should, nothing important in the notifications and now that I know where my family is I can meet up with them. I walk towards the same clearing I had my battle and prepare to leave, but I notice that the Avatar I fought is glowing. That means its dropped an item, I walk over to it and loot it. What I get is something I can use, my passive perk Holy Willow Trees Savior will synergize with this perfectly.
[Purified blood of a demonic avatar]
[Description: Normally you need to have a high leveled priest to purify such a corrupted thing, but your angel blood circumvents that. Now you can drink this and get a permeant 50% to regenerative properties.]
I drink is instantly and my body loses it echoes of soreness. While I was at full health, my body still needed to heal. This gives a boost to my bodies regenerative properties instead of health, so it works differently than Holy Willow Trees Savior. Looks like I can still be surprised by things, and now that I'm all better I'll be able to fly without any problems. I walk away from the body of the avatar and look around one last time, this is a place I'll never want to come back to. Its already starting to reek. I flex my wings and take off, I go above the clouds and level out. I look at my map and use the compass it has to find out which direction is west. I correct my direction and start my journey to my family, 2000 miles would have been a long time if I didn't have my wings. At full speed it shouldn't take longer than a day.
I burst forth at full speed and enjoy the wind. An annoyance is my chest piece since its all crusted from the blood, my leggings aren't so bad. I unequip my chest piece and enjoy the non-chafing. I am traveling at top speed right now, I flap my wings every minute or so to keep from slowing down. I look at the clouds below me and in the gaps between them I can see the forest floor passing by fast. Traveling is going to the easiest thing now, a big challenge players face is the distance between places. I don't have to deal with that anymore, and that is a nice feeling. From the notifications I read players will be able to set up a teleportation system on this continent, and use it to get back to the original ones they came from.
That means one of 2 things. First is the requirements for travel have been lowered for the players, and the more likely second option is a one time use to get back to the continent we come from. This means players wont be stuck here for long, but I bet the dungeons play a part in setting it up. The game wouldn't make it easy for the players to get back, and the longer we stay here the longer we are wasting time. For all I know players still have to head to our capital cities to tier up, and the players cant do that from here. These are things that the leaders of this situation will focus on first, and that is a problem in its self. I'm tempted to try and help, but I risk a lot doing so. If I'm to help it needs to be in low impact ways, like get a piece from this dungeon or from that boss. Then have someone else turn it in, I want to keep my anonymity.
We will have to work together for the first time ever, players cooperating on a massive scale to get back to their continents. It seems more than farfetched, many will sit back and wait till the hard work is finished. I hope that the system finds a way to motivate the lazy ones, its not something other players can do. As Cera flies to meet up with his family, a conversation between the church and the strike team is happening. The one leading this conversation is The Pope, and to say that plans have changed is an understatement.
Why would the summoning ritual just stop, for what reason would this occur. "I don't know why the summoning has stopped, but it has. I hope that all of you return back to safety, but the decision is up to you Lucy." I speak to the strike group as they have looks of confusion like the rest of us, whatever has happened isn't random. I'm concerned greatly as to why this has occurred. "If you do decide to continue the strike make sure that any intel you come across be sent to the church, we will share it with the rest of the leaders. In the mean time I have other things to discuss with the council, I hope to hear from you guys soon." The strike force nods their heads and I turn off the hologram. I have a bad feeling about what's to happen, this move makes no sense.
I sit down in my chair as holograms fill the room, all of them are various leaders. I begin to speak as soon as everyone is done arriving. "As you have heard the summoning ritual has stopped, we don't know why this has happened. The strike team is still in enemy territory and Saintess Lucy is using her own discretion whether to continue with the mission or not." Many whisper to one another, and now that the report is confirmed many are confused along with the church. As this meeting continues, Saintess Lucy is speaking with the strike team. She wants their opinions if they should continue this mission as well.
I look at the makeshift group of powerful fighters, many are wondering the same thing I am. While I have come to know these people better, it weighs heavy on my heart thinking I have to risk their safety. "I want to know what you guys think about continuing on from here, I don't want to risk your lives if there is no benefit. There are many powerful fighters here that can help the war at a different point." I look at the group and see they are all making personal decisions, I look to the more energetic people in our group. Creatureman and Ghostzero are having a conversation about there point of view. I have seen the way that Ghostzero looks at me, a puppy is more accurate to the look. I've had men crush on me before, but not like this.
The group tells me their opinions one by one, and they have all agreed to continue with the mission. This may be a bad choice, but if we stick to the formation then we will have no problems dealing with any enemies. "I'm going to inform The Pope, get ready to move. We'll leave in time, be on guard at all times." I dismiss the group and turn the holo-communicator back on, and see that The Pope is in the middle of the meeting. He makes it so everyone can hear me. "We have decided to continue with the mission, even if the ritual has been cancelled we want to know anything we can about the enemy." Many nod their heads at my words, I'm glad that they wont protest this. Alex on the other hand just rubs his temple and sighs. I have a feeling he'll protest.
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