Chapter 1444 - The Way To Earn
上古圣贤 update:2022-07-29 18:24
“Captain, with sufficient resources, building an exact copy of Braveheart will take as long as 6 months per ship. Simultaneous builds will take longer to complete, it’ll be faster to build them one by one,” said 0541.
“Brilliant,” replied Jiang Fei.
If 0541 could build copies of Braveheart in a shorter amount of time, Jiang Fei would be able to earn more aetherytes than he could ever use. These rich folks would be his golden goose.
0541 spoke up, “Captain, I have another idea.”
“What is it?” asked Jiang Fei happily, as he was in a good mood.
“I don’t think we should build more copies of Braveheart, as that would make it a common item, instead of an exclusive one-of-a-kind. Most, if not all people, see Braveheart as a collectible. If it’s made available to all, it will quickly lose its value. People will lose interest and the buyers will hate us for it,” explained 0541.
“Mhm. Supply and demand. I understand the concept. However, selling a single ship isn’t going to fetch me enough to pay for the girls’ training,” said Jiang Fei.
“I understand. However, instead of selling Braveheart, we could sell something else that also belonged to the Namekians,” suggested 0541.
“Huh? I don’t get it. They want Braveheart, no?”
“Not exactly my point. Braveheart contains information on Namekian technology, and I have access to the blueprints of all kinds of space vessels. We can not only build battle cruisers, but also shuttles, transport ships, equipment, one-man shuttles, and more!” said 0541.
Jiang Fei finally understood 0541’s idea. “I see what you’re getting at! We can build one of each model, making them exclusive!”
0541 knew that buyers coveted things that no one else could own. No matter how good something was, its price would always increase so much more when the supply was cut. Why would they want something that could be obtained so easily?
Back then, before soaring into space, Jiang Fei had only cared for Braveheart. It was, after all, the culmination of Namekian technology. No other ship on Earth could be compared to Braveheart. More importantly, it served as the only way for Jiang Fei to become stronger.
Currently, as a battleship, Braveheart was obsolete. The only reason people would want to buy it was because there was no second Braveheart!
It was exactly how humans coveted Sancai ceramic wares. These ancient wares were used during the Tang Dynasty as decorative items for the dead. If people from the Tang Dynasty knew that people of the current age coveted decorative items for the dead, and placed them in their own bedrooms for good luck, they would have been utterly disgusted by such foul behavior.
“Let’s follow your plan. I’ll request for a base and we can then establish a shipyard,” declared a very happy Jiang Fei.
Just when he thought that the Namekians had already given him all they could, they practically hand-delivered a golden goose to help him when he desperately needed funds!
Jiang Fei looked through all the blueprints that 0541 had. Just by scrolling through the shuttle-class models, he was blown away by the sheer number of them. If he could build them all, Jiang Fei would be needing a bigger coffer for his gold coins.
“Boss? Boss? What’s the matter with you?”
“Boss! Wake up!”
Seeing Jiang Fei just staring dreamily into space, Rais and Lucius panicked. For whatever reason, the two sincerely thought that their boss was about to become a fool.
Jiang Fei snapped back to reality. “Huh…… what?”
“Oh thank the makers…… I thought you were going mad,” said Rais.
If Jiang Fei were to become something other than what he was now, the two would have to kiss their ambitions goodbye.
“By the way, I need you two to help me with something,” said Jiang Fei.
Lucius slapped his chest and declared confidently, “Anything! You name it, we’ll do it!”
Jiang Fei gestured to Braveheart. “See that ship?”
“That ship? The one that everyone is talking about now?”
“Right. About that. I want you to help me find a way to sell it,” said Jiang Fei, with a smug grin on his face.
“You mean…… that ship is yours?”
The two gawked in awe. They had been trying to discourage Jiang Fei from buying the ship earlier, not knowing that the ship actually belonged to him!
“Yup, it’s mine. You know a lot of people, I assume? Find me a buyer that can make the highest offer,” said Jiang Fei, completely serious.
“Boss, why would you sell it? Are you in urgent need of money?” asked Rais.
“As a matter of fact, yes.”
“If you need money, we can help you right now. I would advise against selling the ship, as you might not be able to get it back once it’s sold!” said Lucius.
His offer to help Jiang Fei financially showed that he truly perceived him as his boss.
Jiang Fei sighed. “That’s fine. I need a lot of money, more than what you own. Just sell it.”
Jiang Fei acknowledged the kindness they were offering but realistically speaking, those two could never afford to pay what he needed to train the girls.
Rais joined in to advise Jiang Fei against selling Braveheart, “But…… it’s such a waste.”
Jiang Fei whispered softly, “Thank you but I’ve made up my mind. To be honest, I stumbled across an ancient civilization. There is an abandoned hangar bay with many battleships and shuttlecrafts. I don’t mind selling a few of them.”
If he was going to sell his ‘products’, it would be in his best interests to take advantage of these two jokers to spread the word.
“How lucky……”
“I should have known better. Argh! Boss, just by selling a single spaceship, you could be richer than both our families combined. If I had known about this, I would not have wasted my time and effort on competing with the other heirs! I could have earned a fortune just by scouring ancient worlds!” said Rais disgruntledly.
“Shush! Do this well and I’ll personally give the two of you limited edition Namekian space shuttles,” said Jiang Fei.
This was his attempt to coax the two to do his bidding. If he wanted to go far with his business, he had to take great care of his employees, so that they would in turn, take care of his business!
Rais gawked at Jiang Fei. “Will you really?”
The two jokers’ eyes were glistening with revere.
“Yup,” said Jiang Fei, snickering happily.
Rais confidently declared, “We’ll do it! Give us three days! No, two days! In two days, we’ll find you a buyer!”
Lucius chimed in as well, “We will make sure to deliver the buyer on time and make them bring the money!”
These two were familiar with the circle of buyers. With such an exclusive antique for sale, it would be easy to find potential buyers.
“I’ll leave this in your capable hands then,” said Jiang Fei, leaving them with a smile.
Now, he needed to return to Braveheart and start dismantling the ship. The most important part of the ship, which was all the biotech-related equipment and facilities, must be kept a secret.