Chapter 319 Drakenstead — Part 1
Ryuryu update:2022-08-03 18:36
Editor(s): Speedphoenix, Joker
The first impression I got of Drakenstead was that it was equal parts terrifying and awe-inspiring . Even the air itself appeared to grow heavier as we approached the massive, jaw-like gorge—a sensation I often experienced when I happened to run into one of the Wicked Forest’s more powerful creatures .
It was a sense of presence, an invisible pressure that superior life forms exerted simply by existing, and it came from the village’s inhabitants . Many of them were in sight already . They were flying around in a panic, seemingly because they had realized that Lefi had returned .
“Until we depart, do not leave my side, Yuki . I do not believe that you will be in danger, but I wish to remain by you to ensure your safety . And I know well that Enne intends the same . ”
“Mhm . Standing guard . ”
“Will do . Thanks, both of you . ”
I knew through and through that compared to dragons, I was nothing but a weakling . I was going to need to sit tight and let Lefi do all the heavy lifting . Enne was always going to have to be there as well, just in case, as it basically wasn’t possible for me to go all out in a fight without her . Talk about a pathetic showing on my part……
Upon arriving at the village’s entrance, I stopped wallowing in my own misery in order to better observe my surroundings . It was exactly as Lefi said . The dragons barely made anything . Only a few tools and structures were strewn throughout the entire settlement . But if anything, the lack of artificial creations only served to add to the atmosphere .
Something about this entire area almost seemed holy . The way the mountains shot beyond the sky led me to think of Olyumpus, Ida, Othyrus, and many other places of worship, places in which gods separated themselves from men .
The community was actually spread out over a rather large amount of space . The dragons lived on the mountain’s various cliffs and ledges, in which they’d dug holes large enough to fit their massive frames with ease . Some of them even extended outwards to support a sort of outdoor living space . Aside from the scaffolding that made these spaces possible, there was only a single, obvious artificial structure, a dragon-sized flight of stairs that led far into the mountains . It’s almost like this whole place is some sort of shrine .
Naturally, my eyes found themselves caught by more than just the scenery . The dragons that occupied it constantly pulled my gaze . All in all, there seemed to be somewhere around 150 of them .
Though literally all their eyes were on us, none dared to speak, let alone approach . They were much like the Wicked Forest’s dragons in the sense that they looked at Lefi with a mix of awe and fear, with the biggest difference being that, here, both emotions seemed much stronger and more pronounced .
“So this is where you grew up?”
“It is where I spent my first six hundred years . ” The humanoid dragon spent a few moments gazing upon the valley before raising her eyes to the sky . “Upon departure, I wandered the world for another hundred in search of a new place to make my nest . That particular century was one that I spent aiding the old fool that you know as the Spirit Lord . ”
“Wait, you were helping him? With what?”
“His duty is to maintain the order of the natural world through the elimination of those that seek to disturb it,” she explained . “Do you recall that Hadean Helldrake we spoke of?”
“I was to eliminate it and other similarly powerful foes in his stead should he ever fail . ”
“So you were basically a merc?” I frowned while nodding in approval . “That doesn’t sound too bad . Honestly pretty cool if you ask me . ”
“Mhm . Very,” agreed Enne, telepathically .
“If the two of you believe so, then I suppose I’ve little choice but to one day thank him for the opportunity . ” Once we reached the center of the village, Lefi took a bit of a turn to the left . “This way . There is one we must meet . ”
Following her lead eventually led us to an old dragon, who unlike the others, only raised his head to look at us once we approached . Every part of his appearance screamed ancient . His scales were dull, their lustre lost with time . His claws were cracked and dry, and his eyelids were wrinkly and droopy . Even his beard, which was tinged grey and white showed naught but signs of age . But his eyes alone were different . They burnt with a passion so fiery that they alone were able to make him seem the human equivalent of several decades younger .
“Now…… who do we have here?” He spoke slowly, softly, majestically even . But though he used a tone not too different from Lefi’s, his voice lacked the near divine quality that hers so obviously carried . “It has been many long years, Leficios . ”
“Hmph,” Lefi snorted . “And I see that, despite the passage of time, you have yet to die, Rhodunus . ”
At a surface level, her words appeared to be filled with venom, but they contained no real hostility . It seemed that, despite all appearances, she didn’t actually dislike him .
“I have every intention of living for another three thousand years . ” Rhodunus blinked several times in succession . “But…… while I am exactly as I was, I see that you are not . The change in your size is the most surprising thing that I have seen in a millennium . ”
“That is no part my fault and ten parts yours, all of yours,” responded Lefi . “Here, change is too infrequent, and your expectations too unrealistic when placed alongside the happenings of the world at large . ”
“Truly…… our way of life is one that rarely walks alongside change . ” Once he finished responding to her, he turned to me with a long, curious gaze . “So this…… this demon lord, he is the one that showed Gyogarr to his grave? I was convinced that it was you who eliminated him . ”
“I took no part in his demise . It was, in its entirety, my husband’s doing,” she said, as she glanced at me . “Gyogarr was but an annoyance . What manner of incompetence was it that led you to allow his departure?”
“There is…… little to say in our defense . We are sorry for any of the trouble that we caused . A peculiar individual, an outsider, had influenced him to behave recklessly . I will be refraining from a more…… detailed explanation for the time being, as it would be quite a lengthy one indeed . ” The ancient dragon paused for a moment . “Truth be told…… I never thought that you would one day find a mate…… especially not after your departure . ”
After reopening his eyes, he let out a hearty chuckle and turned back to face me yet again .
“I am Rhodunus…… the eldest dragon that inhabits this village . Might you tell me your name, Dragonlord?”
I took a moment to both return a solid, unwavering gaze, and to analyze him .
Name: Rhodunus
Race: Ancient Dragon
Level: 89?
Wait . Seriously? Holy shit…… this dude’s on level 900’s doorstep . He isn’t Lefi tier, but still…… Talk about absurd . The thought prompted a whole sequence . I soon realized that I had the tendency to compare anything stronger than me to my beloved wife, which seemed a bit odd, if anything . Eh, her fault for being batshit OP .
At the end of the day, what mattered was that the dragon was so powerful that crushing me would take him no more effort than swatting a fly . I should probably stay on guard while we’re here, just in case .
“I’m Yuki, nice to meet you,” I said . “Oh and uh, if you don’t mind, I was actually hoping to ask you something . ”
“If it is something that I can answer, then by all means . ” said Rhodonus .
“How old are you, exactly?”
“Hmmmm……” He lowered his head and closed his eyes, as if to reflect on a long distant memory . “I cannot tell you exactly, as many of my older memories have grown vague and hazy . But the oldest event I recall is one from six millennia ago . And since then, there have been ten…… yes, at least ten major shifts in the cultural paradigms of the races . ”
Six thousand years? Six thousand!? Man…… that is a long time . It certainly is way more than long enough for countless empires to rise and fall . I wonder how many ancient legends he’s in…… Hell, his age is probably worthy of a legend in and of itself . Like, man, Lefi’s lived a long time, and talking to her about time always makes me feel that she’s basically been around forever, but this guy makes her look like a child .
“So……? To what do we owe the honour of your visit?”
“Well uh…… one thing led to another, and I kinda ended up becoming the Dragonlord, so I figured I should probably drop by to say hi,” I explained . “Oh, and I married Lefi, er, Leficios, and that sounded like something you guys might want to know about too . Soooo yeah, here I am . ”
“The latter is of much more importance,” said Lefi, smugly . “I wished to return so that I could demonstrate that, contrary to your beliefs, I have been wed . ”
The old dragon chuckled .
“I see, I see…… I am glad that you are much…… more cheerful than you were before . ” He cast her the sort of proud, deeply emotional gaze that one would a daughter upon her wedding . “Welcome home…… Welcome home, Leficios . And I welcome you too with open arms, King . Now…… let us begin by carving your name into the Dragonstone Ledger . ”
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