Chapter 527
writer:fairytail72      update:2022-08-15 15:05
    He was a human too, so what if he was a servant? Even if he was imprisoned for life at least he will still be alive? There will be many chances for him to turn things in his favour, there was even a law —— according to which as long as his conduct in the Yamen was obedient and good, the sentence could be reduced. He didn't want to die especially not for a master who did not even think about him before abandoning him like a chess piece. If he was going to be dragged down then he will drag Xing Bengt down with him!

    " Xing Bengt, you are not human!" shouted Xiao Wu from the floor as he breathed fire at Xing Bengt. " You think that you are so good? Do you think that you can abandon me just like this? This is something that is never going to happen! You were the one who ordered me to do all of that, you were the one who wanted to target the Lin family shop and now that the matter is out in light you want to abandon me? Fat chance!"

    Xing Bengt awkwardly smiled when the Yamen chief turned to look at him, he wanted to rush ahead and beat the crap out of Xiao Wu, this stupid man but he could only smile as he nervously stuttered, " I……I have no idea what this man is talking about, why will I bother myself with these small fries? I haven't even seen him before, most likely someone is trying to harm him. Chief, I think you should take this matter seriously and investigate this con man—— most probably someone hired him to tarnish my name. I… I am a very honest merchant, I might be caught up in a little trouble but that's going to resolve sooner or later, I think people are just trying to take advantage of the situation and throw rocks at me when I am already down."

    Lin Chen was furious and so was everyone else, this Xing Bengt dared to say just anything doesn't he?  Who did he think he was the Emperor that everyone was trying to pull him down off his high horse?

    The Lin family was furious but Xiao Wu was even more furious. Conman? From right-hand man to direct Conman? Did this man think that he was easy to bully was that it?

    " Young master Xing think before you say anything! I still have the letters that you sent me!" said Xiao Wu, this was the matter of his life and he wasn't going to give up just like that!

    But the same thing could be said for Xing Bengt, his entire family's life was at stake, how can he afford to make a mistake? He immediately shouted back. " I have never even seen you, how can I send letters to you?"

    Xiao Wu puffed up and turned to the Yamen head as he said, " Chief, why don't you send someone to my house? I have kept all the letters that young master Xing has sent me in the upper drawer of my cabinet, if you——"

    " Oh there is no need for you to do that," said Lin Yu suddenly as he limped over to the Chief's table and placed the stack of letters on top of the table. " I already got them for you."

    Then as if he has said nothing out of the ordinary, he returned to his original spot and stood up straight. 

    Xiao Wu: "…."

    Yamen Chief: "….."

    Xing Bengt: "…." F*ck!

    Though Xing Bengt was annoyed by the turn of events, he soon calmed down. After all, he has never written those letters with his own hands. Every time he wrote them he asked different servants to write the content of the letters, at that time, he only did that because he was lazy. Now he was kind of glad that he didn't write them when the Yamen chief picked one letter from the stack, Xing Bengt sauntered over to his table and carefully peeped at the contend before inwardly sighing in relief. " Chief this is not my writing, see? I already said that I wasn't involved——"

    " The slow-acting poison that you asked me to add in the thing called cream perfume is highly expensive even if an ounce costs one silver tael, how can a servant like me afford it?" Before Xing Bengt could finish, Xiao Wu interrupted him as he sneered coldly. 

    'Fine, you don't want me to give you face then I wouldn't even think about it! Right now all you had to save me and everything would have been fine! But you just had to be stubborn!'

    Xing Bengt's expression changed as he looked at the man in front of him, fury raged in his nerves, if it wasn't for him standing on the Yamen's grounds, he would have murdered this man—— cold murdered! Xing Bengt grounded his teeth as he looked at his Chief who was shaking his head in disappointment. His heart skipped a beat as he hurried forward to explain himself but the Yamen chief held his hand up and stopped him. " Xing Bengt, I have to say that you have committed a grave crime. You actually added slow-acting poison in the products of their shops? It's one thing that you have a feud with them but it's simply unforgivable that you tried to harm so many innocents ladies and women just for the sake of an argument!"