Chapter 131 - Entering the Mysterious Tengda Games
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  Hu Yue felt that now that the interview had entered this stage, it was time to raise the bar for one’s thinking and imagination!

  For such a talented designer like Boss Pei, he must not have had it smooth-sailing all the time. If not, how could he have been able to so accurately describe a content creator’s predicament in Game Designer, resonating with so many?

  However, Ma Yiqun scratched at the hairs on his head, “I don’t think so.”

  “Ah?” Hu Yue was shocked.

  Ma Yiqun said, “As far as I know, Boss Pei has not seemed to have experienced any setbacks; he has always been rather smooth-sailing…

  “The Lonely Desert Road, Ghost General, Ocean Stronghold, and Game Designer… Boss Pei had only done these four games, and all of them have been a roaring success.

  “So if you ask me if Boss Pei had actually managed to design this game because he resonated with it, I am actually not very sure. However, I am very sure that other designers and developers have experienced those trials and tribulations…

  “While Boss Pei hasn’t.”

  Hu Yue,”…”

  Was this what a genius was like?

  Just like those admirable and great reformers in history. Although they were in high positions and had smooth-going lives, they had actually managed to feel the pain and agony the lower strata of society felt.

  This was a very powerful quality!

  “One last question…

  “The short video series Boss Pei’s Daily Life that had gained popularity on the internet; it seemed to have used some of Tengda Games’ material. Could I ask if Tengda had collaborated with this short video series on this?”

  Ma Yiqun nodded. “En, actually all this could be found out if you investigated. Boss Pei’s Daily Life is a production of Fei Huang Workspace while Fei Huang Workspace is Tengda’s subsidiary.”

  Hu Yue’s eyes lit up.

  “No wonder! That means that one of the reasons why this short video series had gained in fame has to do with the fact that it adapts some of Boss Pei’s personal life experiences, right?”

  Ma Yiqun hesitated, “I’m sorry; I can’t comment on this. I might actually divulge some information regarding Boss Pei.

  “Boss Pei is a very low-profile person. He hopes that gamers could pay more attention to the games that he creates; he doesn’t want them to chase him like fans go after their idols. He doesn’t want them to lose objectivity regarding his games.”

  Although she didn’t get the answer she wanted, Hu Yue wasn’t angry; she actually smiled. Although she did not have cold, hard statistics; this had all in all been a rather extraordinary interview!

  Indeed, only with such special employees, such a special boss-could they have created such a special game, right?

  Amusement Times, Jingzhou City division…

  Although it was a games media company that the entire country knew about-as the Amusement Times’ Jingzhou City division was just a normal worksite, its set-up was rather normal. Only three journalists, two editors, and a chief editor were stationed here.

  Even its office was in a co-working space. The editor looked at the draft Hu Yue had sent as he was stunned. “Little Hu, you are a veteran journalist; why is it you have submitted just a piece…?

  “Without a source, without pictures and footage, without other supporting evidence. You also can’t even divulge a little about the target of the interview? We are not some road-side small media outlet. This piece… even if I gave the go-ahead, the chief editor wouldn’t…”

  This editor was now nursing a headache. Hu Yue had just wanted to explain when the chief editor Brother Zhao had already rushed over. “Little Hu, are you done with the draft?”

  The editor hurriedly handed the draft to the chief editor.

  “Brother Zhao, this draft…”

  She hadn’t even finished speaking when the chief editor slapped his thigh and said, “Good! Great job, Little Hu!”

  The editor, “…”

  Brother Zhao hurriedly read the news’ draft. “Little Hu, you are really good at adapting and striking the iron when it’s hot; you deserve commendation! All the domestic players in the country now are very curious about Tengda. Although this piece might not be that substantiated, I trust in Little Hu’s professional integrity; the reliability is rather high!

  “Let’s get a move on this and release it to create a new hot topic. Who knows? We might be able to hold our heads high up to headquarters after this!

  “Let’s release this as it is!”

  Two days later, a news article appeared on Amusement Times’s official site. It soon was carried by all the established games media outlets!

  Getting a closer look at the mysterious Tengda Games: the domestic games industry Utopia!

  Hu Yue’s piece had not mentioned Ma Yiqun even once; she did not even state she had interviewed a Tengda employee. She had started her piece by referencing the very popular Game Designer and Boss Pei’s Daily Life before diving into all the content Ma Yiqun had provided her!

  “Accompanying the game called The Lonely Desert Road, Tengda’s name had steadily become well-known among the domestic gaming community.

  “In less than a year, Tengda Games had consecutively released four games. They were a standalone game, a card game, an FPS game, and a standalone metagame. Tengda Games had used a powerful and unconstrained imagination and a bold creative spirit to win the praises of official games platforms. It is now seen as the new standard-bearer for the domestic games industry!

  “Today, Amusement Times will help everyone unveil the mysterious Tengda Games; to let everyone have a peek at this up-and-coming games company!”

  “In any case, Tengda Games is a company that has a strict requirement for new employees; it also dares to be bold in using new hires. It is a company that dares to innovate and also one that emphasizes the importance of imparting skills and knowledge.

  “As Tengda’s chief creator and lead designer —the Boss Pei in Boss Pei’s Daily Life, not only does he have a calling for designing but is also extremely adept at game publicity. He has a unique charisma that attracts countless talent to him, wanting to work with him.

  “However, he is also a lonely prodigy. His understanding surpasses our generation. Hence, he is always misunderstood by people.

  “He treats his employees generously while he is rather thrifty himself.

  “This place… is where dreams take off; this is Tengda Games, the Utopia of the domestic games industry!”

  Not long after this article was released, all established media outlets started to carry and forward it! This actually was a little unprofessional; after all, this piece wasn’t substantiated. It did not have a source, any pictures; it didn’t even have any supporting evidence.

  This was a standard ‘article without substantiation’. However, all the media outlets were still furiously forwarding and carrying this piece. Furthermore, netizens also started to comment and debate this!

  The crux was that any piece on Tengda was very rare!

  Since Ghost General and Ocean Stronghold, Tengda was already considered a rather famous game developer. However, a veil of secrecy enshrouded the company, and it had never appeared clearly in front of players before.

  In the eyes of many insiders in the industry, this company called Tengda was also full of mysteries. Even many Jingzhou City-based games companies knew nothing about this company.

  Although this was an article without any pictures and just words-as Amusement Times was after all a known games media outlet domestically, it had a certain amount of reliability to it. That was how this article had exploded!

  “It is praising Tengda nonstop! It feels as if this mysterious boss of Tengda had become the hope of the domestic games industry. Could it be that Amusement Times had also started to do sponsored partnerships?”

  “That can’t be. If it was a sponsored partnership, why don’t they put some pictures or other things? This ambiguous writing… it doesn’t seem like a sponsored partnership, right?”

  “Why are you guys concerned about this? We should debate the reliability of this article, right? Which industry big boss that knows something can confirm how much of this is true?”

  “I think that the phrase “his understanding surpasses our generation’ is a little exaggerating; as for ‘treats his employees generously while he is rather thrifty himself’, I don’t believe this!”

  “However, to say that Game Designer surpassed our generation; that isn’t wrong, right?”

  “I am a Tengda internal employee; I can verify that these are all true!”

  “I am the boss of a dumpling shop across the street from Tengda. Tengda employees always come to my shop to eat dumplings. I can confirm that these are true!”

  “I am the security guard of the office building next to the one Tengda is in; I can verify this

  as well!”

  “I’ll give you guys a nugget; have you guys seen Boss Pei’s Daily Life? That’s right, the person acting as Boss Pei is actually the real boss of Tengda!”

  “Why is the acting in Boss Pei’s Daily Life so good? That’s because the boss himself is acting in it!”

  “This is getting a little absurd. You sucky netizens are letting your mouths run wild! I don’t believe Tengda’s boss is so young.”

  “That’s right. This seems to be an insult to my intelligence!”

  “However, most of the things in the article are probably real; I’ll go and take a look at Boss Pei’s Daily Life again!”

  “I’ll go to Boss Pei’s Daily Life’s video page and publicize Game Designer; everyone, remember to tag along and press on the like button!”