Chapter 149 - Let Them Do as They Pleased
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  In the rental home…

  Pei Qian-who had just woken up from a noon nap-turned in his bed as he grabbed his cell phone and took a look. There was an unread message:

  “Boss Pei, sorry to disturb you so abruptly. We have encountered a problem that we wanted to consult you. The conclusion from our current discussion is that getting rid of the purchase options of the game would make the ballers unhappy; could we ask how to resolve this issue?”

  Pei Qian rubbed his eyes gently as he murmured, “Who’s this from?”

  After taking a closer look, Pei Qian realized it was Ye Zhizhou who he had just promoted to be the chief planner at Shang Yang Games.

  Pei Qian had given him an ‘imperial sword’, allowing him to rat out his employees or immediately fire people. Pei Qian naturally had to befriend him so that it was easier to keep in contact.

  In the end, Ye Zhizhou had not contacted him to talk about firing others but had asked him a question regarding one of the games.

  Pei Qian reread the question once again.

  Question: Getting rid of the purchase options of the game would make the ballers unhappy; how could we resolve this issue?

  This was understandable. Bloody Battle Song was a game with paywalls, and ballers might have spent thousands or ten thousand on this game to suppress all others when it came to battle power.

  If ‘plonk’ and the purchase options in the game were removed and they were no longer going to experience the satisfaction of killing people at whim, wouldn’t they rage and ask for a refund and quit playing this game?

  Of course, Pei Qian was never going to allow for a refund.

  Every debt has a debt collector. This money had been collected by Du Ruijie; you guys should look for him for the money.

  As for quitting the game…

  That would be fantastic; please do so!

  Boss Pei didn’t care about such people who threw money at him and his company. He still maintained the same stance: People wanted to donate money to Tengda? Dream on!

  You ballers can either be obedient and become players who didn’t pay a cent or stop playing this game.

  Yes, that would be perfect!

  Pei Qian held his phone and typed groggily, “Let them do as they please.”

  He then tossed his cell phone next to his pillow as he continued to nap.

  In Shang Yang Games’ conference room, everyone was waiting for Boss Pei’s message. Ye Zhizhou sat at the head of the conference table as he stared at his phone screen, waiting for Boss Pei’s reply uneasily.

  Boss Pei did not reply immediately; he must be busy working

  After all, Shang Yang Games was but one of Boss Pei’s many endeavors. It also wasn’t one very close to Boss Pei’s heart and was probably on the bottom of the priority list.

  As for everyone else, they all had differing opinions.

  Some had heard Ye Zhizhou’s plans to change the game and felt that it was rather interesting; they were raring to go. Others were still not very happy with Ye Zhizhou but didn’t dare to voice their comments out loud.

  After all, the design team veteran Wang Xiaobin had decided to work with Ye Zhizhou on this; even if the rest wanted to pull a stunt, they wouldn’t be able to achieve much. Furthermore, Ye Zhizhou actually had a direct line to Boss Pei; that was a huge deterrent.

  Some people even suspected that Ye Zhizhou had purposely asked Boss Pei this question during the meeting so that he could establish his authority! He was hinting to everyone he could directly contact Boss Pei and for everyone to behave themselves.

  Hence, the atmosphere in the conference room was rather serious, and the new boss Ye Zhizhou could still hold the fort.


  A notification sound rang as Ye Zhizhou hurriedly read Boss Pei’s reply. There were only a few words: ‘Let them do as they please.

  That… was it?

  Ye Zhizhou was a little stunned.

  Wang Xiaobin was sitting next to Ye Zhizhou and leaned in as he asked attentively, “Has Boss Pei replied?”

  Ye Zhizhou turned his cell phone screen to Wang Xiaobin, “He only said this. Brother Wang, this…”

  Ye Zhizhou was a little lost for a moment. By right, he should faithfully execute orders from Boss Pei. However, to completely ignore the ballers; wasn’t that courting death?

  In a war game like Bloody Battle Song, the amount that ballers spent was around eighty percent of all the top-ups that players did. To disregard the ballers would be losing eighty percent of income.

  This wasn’t cutting off an infected limb to save the entire body; this was suicide!

  This was precisely why the discussion had gone on for so long without finding a perfect solution. Getting rid of the purchase options would definitely affect the interests of ballers. If ballers were not happy, the game’s income would drop drastically.

  That meant that no matter how they looked at it, Boss Pei’s way would lead to a huge fall in gaming income; the two games that were already tanking would suffer even more.

  As he was out of options, Ye Zhizhou had finally decided to consult Boss Pei.

  In the end, Boss Pei had only replied with these few words. The final solution was actually… to not care? To completely abandon these ballers?


  Daring was this?!

  Wang Xiaobin’s knitted brows steadily grew wide. “Boss Pei is indeed a courageous person; I’m impressed! These words actually contain such wisdom!”

  Wang Xiaobin sighed with emotion.

  Although he didn’t really understand, Ye Zhizhou felt that this was something awesome. Indeed, a seasoned veteran was valuable for his experience and insights. Such a deep matter could only be deciphered by someone of Wang Xiaobin’s experience and wealth of knowledge!

  Wang Xiaobin cleared his throat and said, “There is no need to discuss this anymore. Boss Pei had sent us a solution: ‘Let them do as they pleased’! That also means that we do not need to consider the impact of our changes on ballers.

  “After the new edition goes online, the stats of the ballers in the old server would remain as such. However, no more purchasing options would be available, and they would no longer be able to elevate their battle powers using money.

  “As for the new players in the new server; they would all be at the same starting point and will follow the rules of our new edition.”

  Everyone exchanged confused looks. This was it? Didn’t the problem still remain? If the ballers stopped playing and no more top-ups were done, what was going to happen?

  Wang Xiaobin smiled, “Boss Pei has already helped us to solve this problem. Removing purchase options would definitely affect the interests of the ballers; that is a given. We have tried our best to think of a solution to this; however, there is actually no possible way to resolve this!

  “This is a revolution from the bottom-up; since we are attacking the interests of ballers, why do we still need to consider how they feel? This is not necessary. Boss Pei’s intention is very clear; for them to stew in their own juice!

  “We have been so conflicted for a long time; a word from Boss Pei had cut the Gordian knot and given us a solution; this is the difference between us and him!”

  Everyone was enlightened.

  Just like a complicated knot that was cut into pieces, this seemingly unsolvable problem had been so easily resolved by Boss Pei!

  However, while it was easy to say this, it was rather hard to do this. Who would have the courage to directly cut off eight percent of one’s income?

  Boss Pei!

  Thinking of this, everyone started to admire Boss Pei even more. He was willing to let go when need be, without hesitation. Indeed, this was the level of attainment of a true master!

  Ye Zhizhou was also emotional as he rapped the table, “Alright, our last problem has been solved. Let’s… get to work! We must follow through with Boss Pei’s thinking and revive these two games!”