Chapter is Updated by At the same time, in the golden zone of the Golden Maze...
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  Lin Wan, Chen Kangtuo, and the others were all there. Even Li Shi had followed them, intending to see how sales at the golden zone were doing.

  Everyone had spent a lot of time wandering around the Golden Maze before they finally found the golden zone. Since it was their first time walking in, everyone gasped in amazement and wondered how Boss Pei came up with such a mystical idea and turned it into reality.

  The maze-cum-shopping-mall provided everyone with an extremely novel shopping experience. They had to spend so much time and effort just finding the products; wouldn’t it be a waste if they didn’t purchase anything?

  Ruan Guangjian held onto the headwear with the devil horns, refusing to let go.

  Yet, Qiao Liang hesitated for a long time before he finally picked up the golden lantern. He had no other option. Although he had to go to the Ultimate Horror for the sake of his friendship with Boss Pei, he still wanted to come out of it alive.

  The golden lantern could repel most of the beasts and ghosts in the ‘Ultimate Horror’. One could say that it was the simplest mode. Considering his performance in the ‘Haunted House Nightmare’, he could only go with this difficulty level.

  At that moment, Qiao Liang’s view of Chen Kangtuo changed for the second time.

  When Qiao Liang had visited the ‘Haunted House Nightmare’ and been scared half to death, he had already cursed the designer a thousand times in his heart.

  When he had met and heard from Chen Kangtuo himself and learned that the latter had sacrificed so much for the sake of Thriller Hostel, he had felt respect.

  Now, seeing the four props, and the golden lantern that offered the simplest mode in particular, Qiao Liang felt immensely grateful for Chen Kangtuo.

  The golden lantern had been meant to be sold in the zone for handicraft and art pieces. It looked very beautiful and exquisite. Of course, it was also the most expensive of the four props.

  However, to Qiao Liang, the price was very acceptable. After all, he was not just buying a little toy. Instead, he was buying a gaming experience!

  It was like the Red Kilin in Ocean Stronghold, which was only expensive because it offered additional in-game experiences.

  Qiao Liang picked up the golden lantern and prepared to make payment. However, at that moment, his cell phone rang.

  “Eh? It’s Boss Pei?”