Chapter 1175 - Create a Special Training Base!
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  Pei Qian read Bao Xu’s plan twice more and was quite satisfied.

  He could not find anything to improve on!

  This was a very rare thing because in the past, no matter what industry it was, no matter who came up with the plan, Pei Qian would always be able to pick on many problems.

  However, this time, Pei Qian actually felt that this plan was perfect!

  What’s more, Pei Qian would try his best to draw a clear line between Tengda and the new industries.

  However, there was no need this time.

  On one hand, it would be difficult to draw a clear line because Traveller Bao Xu’s reputation was too good. On the other hand, it was not necessary at all.

  If someone was really willing to spend money to torture himself, he would do it!

  Pei Qian felt that very few people had nothing better to do.

  Indeed, Traveller Bao Xu’s travel plan was very reliable.

  If everyone in Tengda Corporation made the same plan as Bao Xu, Boss Pei would have to spend less brain cells, right?

  He had to reward him!

  Pei Qian was very satisfied with this plan. “Very good, let’s follow this plan!”

  “Other preparations are easy, but this professional with rich experience in wilderness survival… where do you plan to find him?”

  Bao Xu said, “I’ve found it.”

  Pei Qian was a little surprised. “Oh? So soon?”

  After a moment of silence, Bao Xu said, “Actually, I bumped into him when I went to the Sahara Desert.”

  “His name is Sa Ziran, and he’s a retired special forces soldier. He once served at the south border. Survival outdoors is part of his daily training. He spent the longest half a month living in the primeval forest without supplies. He’s also very proficient in extreme sports like rock climbing, fast landing, skydiving, and so on. It shouldn’t be a problem to arrange for the gaming geeks in our company.”

  Pei Qian addressed him as an insider.

  Good lord, who said that Bao Xu’s trip was useless?

  Didn’t he use his connection?

  From Bao Xu’s tone, it seemed like he had excluded himself from the gaming home?

  However, looking at Bao Xu’s muscular body and slightly tanned skin… it did not seem appropriate to call him a gaming geek now.

  “Boss Pei, do you want to meet him? I contacted him on Friday. He arrived in Jingzhou yesterday.”

  Pei Qian sighed silently. He had called this master of outdoor survival immediately after being selected as the best employee on Friday?

  It looked like he had come prepared.

  “Alright, since that’s the case, let’s meet.”

  “Chatting with him would dispel some of his doubts.”

  Pei Qian was not worried about anything else. Those recognized by Traveller Bao Xu would definitely be very reliable.

  The main thing was that he was worried that Tengda’s employees would be arranged in the early stages of the suffering trip. Perhaps they would be people in charge like Hu Xianbin. Everyone in the department knew that the boundaries between the person-in-charge and ordinary employees were very blur. However, to the outside world, the person-in-charge of Tengda’s department was already a rather reputable identity.

  What if this Ziran felt apprehensive and did not dare to be ruthless?

  Thus, he had to meet him and tell him that Boss Pei was backing him up. He had to show him mercy!


  Bao Xu made a call. About an hour later, Sa Ziran arrived.

  He had a tall and straight figure with distinct edges and corners. He looked very energetic. It was obvious that he had trained. His every move seemed to have the swift and decisive style of the army.

  Pei Qian was very satisfied.

  As the saying went, only master teachers could produce outstanding students.

  He would get a professional like that to make arrangements, and then let Bao Xu keep an eye on things. He would definitely make the necessary arrangements!

  “Boss Pei, how are you?”

  This was the first time that Sa Ziran was meeting the legendary Boss Pei. He was very honored.

  After getting up and shaking hands, Pei Qian gestured for Sa Ziran to sit down on the sofa.

  “In the future, you just have to listen to Bao Xu when it comes to suffering and traveling. The reason why I’m meeting you this time is mainly to give you a few more instructions.”

  Sa Ziran immediately understood and nodded. “Don’t worry, Boss Pei. I heard from Bao Xu that most of the people participating in Tengda’s suffering trip are people who have made a lot of achievements. They are core employees of Tengda, and even higher level leaders.”

  “I know that this level of employee is definitely a very precious resource for the company. If something were to happen, you would definitely be very distressed.”

  “That’s why I don’t need you to say anything. I’ll definitely know my limits and show mercy when necessary.”

  “In any case, such activities are for experience. It’s not a big problem to go easy on them.”

  Pei Qian was silent for a moment.

  How should he put it? It was obvious from a glance that Sa Ziran did not understand Tengda at all. That was why she said such layman’s words.

  What did he mean by ‘Tengda’s leaders’?

  Boss Pei had always been the only one in Tengda’s leadership…

  The others? They were all rebels!

  What did he mean by ‘If something were to happen, you would definitely be very distressed’?

  I’ll f*cking set off fireworks on the spot to celebrate! I’ll ring it five thousand times first!

  Of course, safety and health had to be guaranteed. Apart from that, what was a little suffering?

  Only by suffering could one be superior!

  Pei Qian cleared his throat. “No, you’ve misunderstood.”

  “What I mean is, don’t be magnanimous and pity them just because they are Tengda’s employees. You have to work harder!”

  Sa Ziran was a little confused. “Huh?”

  Pei Qian said righteously, “In the future, Suffering Travels will attract customers to the outside world.”

  “If we are lenient with Tengda’s employees but are strict with ordinary customers, wouldn’t that become discrimination?”

  “If we are very lax with Tengda’s employees and customers, wouldn’t that be completely contrary to the spirit of Suffering Travels?”

  “Therefore, we must treat Tengda’s employees and customers equally. We must even be stricter with Tengda’s employees!”

  “I’m here to tell you not to worry. If you meet anyone who doesn’t cooperate, look for me. I’ll settle it for you!”

  Sa Ziran looked shocked. In his mind, he could not help but build an image of Boss Pei as a strict father.

  Who said that Tengda’s management was loose?

  It was complete nonsense!

  Would a company with loose management grow so quickly and achieve huge success?

  It was obvious from the trip that Boss Pei had the strictest requirements for his own employees!

  Ziran nodded. “No problem, Boss Pei. I’ll definitely complete the task!”

  Pei Qian was very satisfied. He looked at Bao Xu and continued, “There’s something else.”

  “It’s also written in your plan. In order to ensure safety, everyone must undergo special training before setting off, including physical training and basic knowledge learning.”

  “Where should I give this special training?”

  Bao Xu said, “Er… I haven’t thought about that yet. However, since physical fitness training is the main focus, let’s train in Deposit Fitness.”

  Pei Qian immediately shook his head. “That wouldn’t do!”

  “Physical training is only part of the training. More importantly, you have to adapt to the various requirements of the wild.”

  “You can lift iron and train your muscles in the gym. You can indeed strengthen your body, but it doesn’t mean much when you travel outside.”

  “I think we should practice rock climbing, quick drop, catching fish, lighting fires, setting up tents, and other practical skills.”

  “It’s very difficult to train your muscles quickly. What’s more, if you train your muscles, you’ll only be a reckless man. You’ll definitely be better than ordinary people in that special environment, but it won’t be of much use.”

  “Ziran, what do you think?”

  She hesitated, and then said, “Er… Boss Pei, you’re right, of course.


  “For ordinary people, as long as they are healthy, have good physical fitness, and have a bit of suffering spirit, it would be enough.”

  “After all, the professional team and I will take good care of everyone.”

  “Although professional rock climbing training would be very helpful, training for so many projects requires a special venue. It’s not necessary to increase unnecessary expenses.”

  Pei Qian was unhappy.

  What did he mean by adding unnecessary expenses?

  All expenses were necessary!

  “Of course not!”

  “Tengda’s motto is to strive for perfection. How can we make do?”

  “Suffering traveling is not only a physical requirement. More importantly, you have to master the corresponding professional skills. You cannot be sloppy!”

  “As for expenses? That’s not something you should consider at all.”

  Pei Qian looked at Bao Xu. “I’ll give you enough funds to set up a special training center for ‘torturous travels’.”

  “Before going on a holiday, I have to come to this place for special training. I have to master a series of necessary skills such as rock climbing, quick drop, fish catching, fire, and so on. I have to master them!”

  “What’s more, you have to pay attention to various outdoor survival training, including endurance training. For example, walking on the pressure board so that your feet can adapt to a long distance… In short, you’re a professional. You can definitely think of more ways than me.”

  “We have to make sure that nothing goes wrong before we set off!”

  “I understand, Boss Pei. You’re right!”

  He had to admit that he had been too simple.

  Before this, he did not have a deep understanding of this job. He thought that it was just like some variety shows that celebrities participated in. It was purely a formality and was based on experience. He had to go easy on it.

  However, Boss Pei obviously did not think so.

  On one hand, he had to be strict with the requirements after traveling. That way, the entire tortuous journey would be more meaningful. He had to not be superficial. On the other hand, he had to be meticulous and prepared before traveling.

  Boss Pei seemed to be strict to his employees like a father but also warm like a mother.

  What a good boss!

  Since that was the case, he could not let Boss Pei’s hard work be wasted.

  He had to cooperate with Bao Xu and let these Tengda employees travel to their hearts’ content so that they would not waste Boss Pei’s efforts!

  Looking at Sa Ziran’s expression, Pei Qian knew that his bluffing had succeeded.

  Coupled with Bao Xu being the person-in-charge, wouldn’t he be able to arrange for everyone to go on holiday clearly?

  Hehe, Hu Xianbin and Huang Sibo ran quite quickly, thinking that they had successfully dodged.

  However, they would never have expected such a drastic change in one month!

  “That way, I can relax. Hurry up and arrange it. Especially the training base. You have to hurry up and prepare. Try to settle it within a month.”

  Pei Qian calculated that Hu Xianbin and Huang Sibo would be back about a month later. They would be able to make it in time.

  Any later and he would not be able to achieve the ‘seamless connection’. He was still lacking something.

  It was just like the operation when playing games. Even though the smooth operation and clumsy operation might end up the same, the former was more handsome!

  Bao Xu nodded and said confidently, “Don’t worry, Boss Pei. I’ll definitely arrange everything for them.”