Chapter 1291 - Related to Popularity
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  Zhao Xuming did not dare to ask further, seeing that Boss Pei seemed to be in deep thought. He waited patiently.

  Obviously, this was no small matter. It must have involved some other industries of Tengda Corporation and the overall plan.

  Otherwise, wouldn’t it be enough to just raise the price and sell the exclusive broadcast rights?

  Given Boss Pei’s intelligence, he would not have thought for so long.

  Zhao Xuming was once again relieved. It looked like he had made the right choice to check with Boss Pei.

  Now, the tricky problem was left to Boss Pei. He could make the decision. That would be great.

  However, after a moment of silence, Boss Pei asked, “Boss Zhao, let me ask you a question. Speak freely.”

  Zhao Xuming was stunned. “Huh?”

  What happened to Boss Pei making the decision and I just have to cooperate?

  Why is Boss Pei testing me?

  He was stunned for a moment before he could only nod. “Alright, Boss Pei. Please speak.”

  Pei Qian rubbed his chin and pondered. “Boss Zhao, do you think there’s a way…”

  “Give the broadcasting rights very cheaply, or even for free, to these live-stream platforms. At the same time, make it look reasonable.”

  The result of Pei Qian’s careful consideration was that these three methods were not stable.

  There was no need to talk about the first two. They would make too much money.

  It was possible to sell the exclusive broadcasting rights at a sky-high price. It would not be at a sky-high price if they were to sell the broadcasting rights. However, the money offered by so many platforms was not a small number.

  The third method looked good, but Pei Qian’s long-standing sense of smell told him that this method was the most risky. It was very likely that all the money earned would be earned later.

  Bunny Tail Live-Stream had finally achieved initial success under his wise guidance and Old Ma’s leadership. It had just grown into a seedling that could burn money. What if it burned the seedling before it could die?

  He could not bear the consequences!

  After all, no matter how high the price of the broadcasting rights was, it was just a one-off sale. However, if the money-burning tree was gone, there would be endless trouble.

  One false step brings everlasting grief.

  Therefore, Pei Qian was not willing to choose these three methods.

  He hoped that he could give the broadcast rights away as cheaply as possible. The less he earned, the better.

  However, the problem was that giving such valuable items to live-stream platforms for free? Not to mention whether people would be suspicious or not, the system would not be able to pass it.

  Pei Qian could not think of a good solution, so he approached Boss Zhao.

  He wanted to see if he could sell the broadcast rights at a cheaper price and earn less under reasonable circumstances.

  It would be best if all the platforms were broadcasting GOG’s international invitational tournament without spending much money. Then, Tengda would not be able to earn much money. Bunny Tail Live-Stream would not be able to earn much popularity. That would be perfect.

  Zhao Xuming was stunned for a moment before his brain worked quickly.

  Why, it looks like Boss Pei is not satisfied with the three plans I have?

  Boss Pei sounded like he was making a bold assumption and asking for my opinion. He seemed to be hinting that this method might not exist. It would be better if it did not exist.

  How could that be?!

  When the leader asked if you could do it, he only hoped to hear an answer from you.

  Zhao Xuming was not stupid. He would definitely not think that Boss Pei was asking casually.

  Boss Pei was obviously testing me with his general ideas!

  This was a hint. If he could not even understand this, he would probably be done as the person-in-charge.

  Zhao Xuming did not dare to be negligent. He began to analyze Boss Pei’s words carefully after confirming that Boss Pei had thought of a better plan.

  Obviously, Boss Pei was not satisfied with those three plans.

  Zhao Xuming thought about it. Perhaps it was because these three plans were too ordinary. They were completely the way of a mediocre company. They did not match Tengda’s surprising design.

  That was why Boss Pei hinted to me to use a special method.


  Boss Pei had said that he wanted to give the broadcast rights very cheaply, almost for free to these live-stream platforms. At the same time, it looked reasonable and reasonable.

  On the surface, this request seemed unreasonable.

  Who would take the initiative to sell their own broadcast rights?

  Boss Pei was obviously hinting that money was not the first goal that needed to be considered. Instead, he should look further.

  This deal could not incur losses, but the content of the deal had to be changed from money to something else.

  What was more important than money?

  That was obviously popularity, or rather, long-term money.

  In other words, Boss Pei was hinting at them to give up on selling the exclusive broadcasting rights in front of them and think of a way to gain more popularity or wider influence so that they could earn more money in the future.

  The money in the future might come from the expansion of the GOG market, the popularity of Bunny Tail Live-Stream, or from other industries.

  Zhao Xuming’s brain worked quickly. At that moment, many plans surfaced in his mind.

  He was quite good at coming up with proposals.

  He had proposed many plans before, but Eric had been the one to decide.

  Now that Boss Pei had inspired him, he immediately thought of some ideas.

  “Boss Pei, what do you think?”

  “If we want to achieve the effect you mentioned, the best way is not to state the price clearly, but to give a dynamic price range.”

  Pei Qian’s eyes brightened up.


  If the price was clearly indicated, the income was actually very stable and expected. These live-stream platforms were not big or small. If they could afford it, they could afford it. If they could not afford it, they could not afford it. The system would not agree to a uniform price.

  However, if the rules were complicated and vague, and he set a dynamic price range, wouldn’t it be normal to bluff his way down within the rules? The system would not say much.

  Once the rules were complicated, it would be easy to do something.

  Pei Qian nodded. “Continue.”

  Zhao Xuming was much more confident after receiving Boss Pei’s confirmation. He continued, “The final effect of this dynamic price range would definitely be that the large platforms pay more and the small platforms pay less. Otherwise, it would not be in line with what you said about ‘reasonable and justified’.”

  “This is what I’m thinking. We’ll charge according to the number of viewers on each platform. The platforms that watch more competitions will collect more, and the platforms that watch less will collect less. Of course, we have to have a specific transformation formula to ensure that this coefficient is more reasonable.”

  What Zhao Xuming meant was that the large platform had many resources on its own and had obtained a lot of popularity from GOG’s international invitational tournament. Thus, it was not wrong to spend more money; the small platform had few resources and could only spend less.

  However, he could not completely follow the popularity. After all, the popularity of large platforms was naturally high. If large platforms spent a sky-high price to obtain the broadcast rights, and small platforms also obtained the broadcast rights despite paying very little money, that would seem very unfair.

  Thus, even though the fees were dynamic, he had to give a relatively fair formula.

  “In addition, we can also request for these live-stream platforms to cooperate with the corresponding publicity resources based on these data. We can use this to reduce the price.”

  “That would satisfy your previous requirement to ‘give the broadcasting rights to these live-stream platforms relatively cheaply’.”

  Pei Qian could not help but nod slightly.

  Great, Boss Zhao!

  That sounded feasible.

  In fact, Zhao Xuming’s plan was key in two things. The first was to count the number of people watching the competition into the fees. The second was to exchange the money for publicity resources.

  These two points perfectly met Pei Qian’s requirements!

  First of all, Zhao Xuming’s original intention was to be linked to the real number of people on the live-stream platform. However, Pei Qian felt that it would be better to change it to popularity.

  That was because the number of people watching the competition was fake on all platforms. Pei Qian did not want to ask these platforms for the actual number of people. He would only follow the popularity figures.

  The heat could obviously be adjusted.

  If the live-stream platforms wanted to spend less money, they could just adjust the popularity index on the live-stream page. It would not have any substantial impact on the platforms.

  Wouldn’t Tengda take less money if the live-stream platform secretly changed?

  What’s more, this method also included small platforms that had not been able to bid for the broadcast rights previously. On one hand, it could appear that Tengda was very generous. On the other hand, it could also say that this was a “small profit but quick turnover”.

  Second, converting the money into publicity resources was a good idea as well.

  In other words, each platform could use the platform’s publicity resources instead of allocating money.

  However, even if they did not have this requirement, these platforms had to spend a lot of publicity resources on GOG’s international invitational tournament.

  That was because they were pouring resources into GOG’s international invitational tournament. That was equivalent to directing traffic to themselves.

  If Tengda were to ask for more resources, it would obviously be a repeat.

  That was equivalent to buying something. The seller had already intended to buy one for free. Wouldn’t it be a waste of five yuan if you gave the seller an additional five yuan?

  However, this theory was reasonable and convincing.

  It seemed to be a plan that was more satisfactory than the previous three plans!

  Pei Qian was very satisfied with this. “Good job, Boss Zhao. This plan is not bad!”

  “However, there is a detail that needs to be changed. The fees should not be based on the actual number of viewers but on the popularity data of various platforms.”

  At the moment, almost all live-stream platforms in the country no longer displayed the actual number of viewers. They had all been changed to popularity data.

  Except for Bunny Tail Live-Stream.

  However, Bunny Tail’s live-stream was a special situation. It was originally his own business. Unless he sold the exclusive broadcasting rights, the contract would definitely not allow him to broadcast Bunny Tail’s live-stream.

  Zhao Xuming was stunned.

  According to the popularity figures of various platforms?

  Those were fake figures! They could be easily modified!

  If any company lowered the figures, wouldn’t they be able to spend less?

  Boss Pei could not even think of this?

  Impossible, he must have thought of it.

  However, why did he specially point it out and change it this way?

  Zhao Xuming was a little confused, but he did not ask further.

  That was because it would show that he did not understand.

  He agreed to it first and went back to study it carefully. If he really could not, he would ask Eric and Min Jingchao.

  It did not matter even if he did not understand in the end. After all, this decision was made by Boss Pei. He did not need to take the blame.

  At that thought, Zhao Xuming nodded. “Alright, Boss Pei. I’ll go back and come up with a plan. We’ll do as you say!”