Chapter 1389 - Split the Publicity!
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  Atlas Studios

  Atlas Studios

  “Publicity around these points…”

  “Yes, I’ll think about it carefully.”

  Ye Zhizhou frowned and fell into deep thought.

  It was indeed very difficult for him to study these publicity plans because they had not been involved before.

  Fortunately, Meng Chang had already given a clearer direction, just like how Boss Pei had given a clear direction when designing the game.

  He would create a publicity plan based on the direction Meng Chang gave. It would be like designing a game based on the direction Boss Pei gave. The two would have similarities in certain aspects.

  “I think the slogan can be ‘You can enjoy driving even if you don’t step out of the house’. This slogan can be used from beginning to end.”

  “This sounds a little stupid, but in fact, after experiencing the entire peripheral setting and playing the game, you will know that this slogan is actually quite appropriate.”

  “In addition, it can promote ‘everyone can become an F1 Racer’. Everyone’s first reaction when they see this slogan might think that it is a racing car type of satisfying game, but in fact, it is a realistic game with very strict requirements for driving skills.”

  “Players can indeed become car gods, but they need a lot of hard training. It might be much better than in reality in terms of car repair and safety, but the actual training will not be much lesser.”

  “The slogans about the equipment are not very good. I think we can emphasize the price and gray attribute of these equipment. On the surface, it looks like a form of dissuasion, but in fact, after deeper research, we will feel that it is actually a very cost-effective long-term investment if the conditions allow.”

  Meng Chang listened to Ye Zhizhou patiently. At the same time, he gave a simple evaluation of the methods Ye Zhizhou mentioned in his heart.

  The direction was right, but the details were too different. What’s more, there were some conflicts between publicity strategies.

  However, it was his first time using the Pei family’s publicity method after all. It was not easy to find the direction and achieve this level.

  It was just like creating creation. The things that were created were very rubbish. That was alright. It would slowly become better in the future. He was afraid that there would be nothing in his brain that he could not even create rubbish.

  Creating rubbish could be improved by criticizing it. However, if he could not create anything and his mind was empty, how could he improve?

  In Ye Zhizhou’s current situation, even though the ideas that he had thought of were very immature and had a lot of room for improvement, he had still thought of some things in the end. He was walking the right path according to the Pei family’s publicity method.

  Meng Chang pondered for a moment and reminded Ye Zhizhou to think about some details.

  “It’s very good that you could think of these in a short period of time. However, these ideas that you raised are too scattered. It’s impossible to form a complete and complementary marketing plan.”

  “Some of the contents are even conflicting.”

  “For example, if you want to use ‘the pleasure of driving without stepping out of the house’ and ‘everyone can become a car god’ to promote it, it would mean that you want to use the ‘one-sided method’ in the Pei family’s publicity method. In other words, you want to emphasize the attributes of a certain product one-sided. That would cause consumers to be misled and be fooled after they discover the full picture.”

  “However, immediately after, consumers would realize that the shortcomings that we deliberately did not mention became advantages, or rather, unique advantages.”

  “The ’emphasizing the price of the equipment and the eating gray attribute’ is actually the ‘dissuading method’ in the Pei family’s publicity method, or it can be called the ‘honest method’.”

  “In other words, they are deliberately honest and even emphasize the shortcomings of the products. They dissuade gamers immediately. However, in fact, gamers would find that these shortcomings are often accompanied by benefits after experiencing it in depth. Or perhaps, it is not the shortcomings of the products but the shortcomings of the users themselves.”

  “That way, many people would have reverse psychology. The more they dissuade, the more they would want to buy it.”

  “However, the problem is that these two methods are actually conflicting. That’s because the former has to emphasize the advantages, guide consumers to discover the shortcomings themselves, and then reverse it. The latter has to emphasize the shortcomings so that consumers can discover the advantages themselves.”

  “If you mix them together, it’s easy to interfere with each other. You either use one or separately.”

  Ye Zhizhou: “Separately?”

  Meng Chang nodded. “Yes, separately.”

  “For example, Shang Yang Games would publicize the game while Otto Technologies would publicize the equipment.”

  “The timing of the two publicity can be slightly different. We can make a difference in the publicity method.”

  “The game can be used with special publicity methods for the game, such as the publicity material on the game platform and the introduction of the details page. On the other hand, the equipment can be used with publicity methods unique to technological products, such as a news conference.”

  A realization dawned on Ye Zhizhou. “I see, I understand now!”

  “In other words, the game is actually more suitable to be promoted with the ‘one-sided method’, just like the publicity plan for Struggle at that time. These peripherals can be promoted with the ‘dissuasion method’, just like the first-generation Otto cell phone and smart fitness drying rack.”

  Meng Chang was very happy. “Eh? It’s great that you can think of these cases. It saved me a lot of time explaining. That’s right, this is the classic case of the Pei family’s publicity method!”

  “You can spend some time researching these cases later and imitate the specific process of these cases. At the same time, combine the characteristics of this game and external products to come up with a new publicity plan.”

  Ye Zhizhou nodded. “I understand! Thank you very much!”

  “Now, I understand Boss Pei’s good intentions. It would indeed be better for the various department heads to master the marketing techniques and come up with the publicity plan on their own!”

  He originally thought that Meng Chang did not publicize the publicity plan for Safe and Civilized Driving because he wanted to be lazy. However, that did not seem to be the case.

  If Meng Chang wanted to be lazy, he could have just done it perfunctorily. Why did he have to come all the way here to specially impart the Pei family’s publicity method to him?`

  Ye Zhizhou would not think that the publicity work had nothing to do with him. After all, Boss Pei always hoped that the people in charge could become polymaths.

  Publicity and marketing were actually part of the product. As the person-in-charge of the project, it was definitely not appropriate for him to rely on the Advertisement and marketing department to arrange everything.

  Firstly, the Advertisement and marketing department had limited manpower. It was impossible for every project to be done in every aspect. It was inevitable that there would be some areas that were not in place. Secondly, the people from the Advertisement and marketing department would experience the project in a short period of time. Their understanding would not be deep enough, and the plan they gave might not be the best.

  The person-in-charge knew the products the best. As long as he had the right method, the plan that he made would definitely be the most suitable.

  Meng Chang smiled. “Indeed. What’s more, if you let me do the publicity plan, there will be some methods that I can’t use. There will be some restrictions, but it doesn’t matter if you’re the person-in-charge.”

  Ye Zhizhou was stunned. “Huh? What exactly do you mean?”

  Meng Chang shook his head. “Nothing.”

  What he meant was that if he was asked to do the publicity plan, he would definitely consider the commission. That way, many publicity methods with especially explosive effects and especially fast results after suppression could not be used.

  Meng Chang’s current publicity method was mainly based on large investments and inefficient channels. For example, he could buy advertisements for ‘Successor’ online.

  Of course, this was not Boss Pei’s problem. That was because Boss Pei had taught Meng Chang to use the “Pei family publicity method” through reverse commission. It was mainly because it was easier to get started.

  After Meng Chang’s initial setbacks and failures, he could deeply understand the power of the Pei family’s publicity method through such huge differences and contrast.

  However, there was no such restriction for the people in charge. They would be more free to use the Pei family’s publicity method.

  These publicity funds could naturally choose the most efficient publicity plan while using the Pei family’s publicity method.


  Meng Chang could not help but recall his entire experience in Tengda after leaving Shang Yang Games.

  He did not think so before, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was amiss. There were many coincidences.

  It really seemed like Boss Pei had planned everything!

  Boss Pei should have noticed that he was very talented in marketing when he was the Cold-Faced Lady. However, his path had completely gone astray. He placed too much emphasis on marketing and completely ignored the products. To put it nicely, he loved to brag. To put it bluntly, he was cheating money.

  Thus, Boss Pei stared at him silently.

  The Cold-Faced Lady had gone through several twists and turns and had indeed successfully deceived some investors. However, Boss Pei had long seen through everything. He had been watching Meng Chang perform with a smile the entire time. When the Cold-Faced Lady was about to become popular, he poured some cold water on her. When Meng Hao could not persevere anymore, he had gently helped him to maintain hope.

  After that, the Cold-Faced Lady became bankrupt and Meng Chang shouldered a debt. Boss Pei very generously transferred the debt to himself and naturally accepted Meng Chang into Tengda to be in charge of Tengda’s marketing.

  It looked like a lot of effort on the surface, but it was actually just a matter of time for Boss Pei.

  What’s more, the collapse of the Cold-Faced Lady gave many entrepreneurs a revelation. At the same time, it warned those who wanted to cheat investments from Dream Realization Ventures.

  Of course, these were far-fetched. The key was that Boss Pei wanted Meng Chang to be the person-in-charge of Tengda’s marketing department.

  Meng Chang only realized that Boss Pei must have had a headache about Tengda’s marketing back then. That was why he came to him.

  That was because from the looks of the situation at that time, Tengda looked very talented. However, no one could be Boss Pei’s successor in terms of marketing and publicity!

  The Pei family’s publicity method was irrational and logical. It required extremely strong reverse thinking. Not only did it require a very smart mind, but it also required a very special brain circuit to control.

  Previously, Boss Pei had personally done most of Tengda’s outstanding marketing plans.

  However, Boss Pei was the leader of the entire Tengda Corporation. He could not always do this himself.

  That was because if there were to have projects later on…… Even if Boss Pei gave a few simple pointers to each project, it would take a lot of time.