Chapter 1483 - Upgraded Express Delivery System,
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40

  Translator: Atlas Studios

  Editor Atlas Studios

  In fact, Lu Mingliang had deeply considered this series of problems when he

  decided to expand the regular delivery business.

  That included the deeper reason why Boss Pei created Upwind Logistics and

  how Upwind Logistics should deal with the counterattack of other express

  delivery companies.

  Did Boss Pei start Upwind Logistics purely to incur losses? That was


  Was it to optimize resource allocation, increase employment, change people’s

  lifestyles, and provide convenience to ordinary people? It might be possible,

  but it was definitely not the main reason.

  That was because everyone knew very well that Boss Pei would create a new

  business model for every new industry he established.

  In other words, no matter how much money it incurred or how long it incurred

  losses, it would ultimately make money. What’s more, it would definitely be

  the final winner!

  Thinking about Upwind Logistics from this perspective, many problems would

  come to completely different conclusions.

  Just like Tengda’s other industries, Upwind Logistics would be a process of

  good money expelling bad money. Even if they lost money in the early stages,

  they would definitely use better services in the later stages to eat the high-end

  market, expand to the low- end market, and finally achieve profits.

  Thus, Lu Mingliang had already expected Shengyun Corporation’s current

  actions. What’s more, he had made two preparations in advance.

  The first possibility was that Shengyun Corporation could not make up their

  minds to cut ties with Upwind Logistics.

  This situation was the most optimistic situation.

  That was because Upwind Logistics would continue to expand to second- and

  third-tier cities, county cities, and even more remote areas. As long as

  Shengyun Corporation could not make up its mind to cut ties with Upwind

  Logistics, Upwind Logistics would definitely completely control the entire

  express delivery industry.

  of course, it was impossible to grasp all of them, but he just had to grasp all

  the main cities and a portion of the remote areas.

  At this point, Shengyun Corporation and the other express delivery companies

  would become meat on the table. They could arrange whatever they wanted.

  What was so difficult about regular delivery business? It was nothing more

  than using large trucks to transport express deliveries from one logistics

  distribution center to another. It was not a matter of high-tech threshold.

  Upwind Logistics would distribute some money that they burned every year or

  simply direct it to Boss Pei. This regular delivery business could be opened in


  At that time, Upwind Logistics would take advantage of the situation and

  gradually use their owm regular delivery business to replace other logistics

  companies delivery business. They would constantly squeeze their market

  space. Wouldn’t that be a casual grasp?

  Thus, if Shengyun Corporation really could not make up its mind to split with

  Upwind Logistics, Lu Mingliang would continue to open courier stations with

  all his might. This process would be longer, but as long as there were no

  problems with the funds, he would definitely win in the end.

  However, it was obvious that Shengyun Corporation was not stupid. Nie

  Yunsheng was still very bold. Even though Shengyun Corporation had a huge

  company disease, Nie Yunsheng still forcefully built his terminal and made up

  his mind to split it with Upwind Logistics.

  Lu Mingliang had another plan for the second possibility.

  Lu Mingliang understood that they would cut ties with Upwind Logistics soon

  after he saw Shengyun Corporation start to build their own express delivery


  Shengyun Corporation had ample time to prepare. Naturally, Lu Mingliang had

  more time to prepare.

  Compared to the first possibility, the second possibility was relatively less

  stable. It would be faster, but it could wait for a long time.

  “Prepare to open more cities’ land transportation business and fully

  supplement the existing delivery system.”

  “After that, the ‘system upgrade’ that we have been planning for a long time

  will be fully released!”

  Let the public opinion ferment on the internet for a few days. Then, I want to

  slap Shengyun Corporation in the face personally!

  Lu Mingliang quickly arranged his work. He had been idling around the entire

  time, but all of a sudden, he showed his true colors.

  At the entrance of an Upwind Courier station in Shanghai.

  As evening approached, Shengyun Express’s express deliveryman drove an

  electric tricycle and stopped at the entrance.

  This was the last batch of goods today. After throwing all of them into Upwind

  Courier stations, today’s main work would be completed.

  of course, he still had a lot of work to do when he returned to the express

  delivery point. He would only be able to get off work after 8 PM

  This morning, the express delivery point had received a notice from the

  company, requesting that apart from the core areas of Handong Province,

  Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, the express delivery companies in the

  second- and third-tier cities would not be sent to Upwind Courier stations.

  Instead, they would be sent to the express delivery cabinet and community

  courier stations of Shengyun Express.

  However, Shanghai was not affected. He still had to send it to Upwind Courier


  To the express deliverymen, this did not make much of a difference. In any

  case, they would just pull the goods over and throw them into the courier

  station. What was the difference between throwing them into the Upwind

  Courier stations or into the express delivery cabinet of Shengvun Express?

  The express deliveryman parked his tricycle and prepared to store the parcels

  as usual.

  However, the staff of Upwind Courier stations stopped him before he could

  unload the car. Then, he said with a face full of smiles and a hint of apology,

  “Tm sorry. Upwind Courier stations have just been forced to upgrade. Shengyun

  Corporation’s express delivery seems to have encountered a bug. The system

  cannot record it.”

  The express deliveryman was stunned. “Huh? System upgrade? When did that


  The staff explained, This system had been upgraded a while ago. It said that it

  wanted to be upgraded, but it had not been pushed. Today, it was suddenly


  “However, this new system doesn’t seem to be perfect. I don’t know what the

  specific problem is. It should be being fixed.

  The express deliveryman looked into the courier station. “That’s not right.

  What’s with the goods in the courier station?

  The staff smiled. “These goods were either delivered in the morning or from

  other express delivery companies. The system upgraded during the afternoon.

  At the moment, only Shengyun Express cannot be entered into the warehouse.

  We have to wait patiently. The subsequent version might be resolved.”

  “As for why, this is a technical reason. I can’t say for sure. However, Shengyun

  Express is a large-scale company. It follows a separate set of rules. It’s not the

  same set of rules as Upwind Logistics and other small companies. That’s why

  this situation happened.”

  The express deliveryman was stunned. “What about my express delivery


  The staff was a little embarrassed. “This…… I don’t have a choice. If the system

  doesn’t support me, I can’t put you in the warehouse. What’s more, this is all

  set by the higher-ups. I can’t make this decision. Why don’t…… you call your

  superior to ask for instructions?

  The express deliveryman was a little speechless. He called outside and left in

  his motor tricycle.

  Obviously, he was planning to put the express deivery in the nearby express

  delivery calbinet and Shengyun Corporation’s own residential courier station.

  Such a scene was happening in all the Upwind Courier stations.

  The express deliverymen in the key areas of Jingzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, and

  Guangzhou pulled their parcels to Upwind Courier stations as usual. However,

  they realized that there seemed to be a problem with the new system of

  Upwind Courier stations. They could not enter!

  The person-in-charge of the various express delivery stations had a headache

  when he called to report. He could only report again.

  In the end, he had no choice but to send them all to Shengyun Corporation’s

  own express delivery cabinet and community courier station.

  Not long after, it was full!

  Not only were the delivery cabinets full, but the residential area’s courier

  stations were also full. Not to mention the shelves, even the courier stations

  were filled with parcels. There was no place to step on.

  The reason was very simple. Shengyun Corporation might have set up express

  delivery calbinets and community courier stations in these first-tier cities and

  the surrounding areas, but they were not completely filled.

  That was because according to Shengyun Corporation’s plan, they did not

  consider stopping Upwind Courier stations in the surrounding areas of these

  first-tier cities!

  Their main target was second- and third-tier cities, so their express delivery

  terminals were mainly in second- and third-tier cities.

  The terminals in first-tier cities did not have enough capacity to accommodate

  so many deliveries!

  However, he had no choice. Even if he could not install it, he had to install it

  forcefully. He could not possibly store it all in the internet points and

  warehouses and not send it to consumers when the express delivery arrived,


  Many express deliverymen watched helplessly as the shelves in Upwind

  Courier stations were filled with empty spaces. However, they could not enter

  the warehouse. It was simply unbearable.

  Shengyun Corporation’s express deliverymen were tortured to death.

  In the past, he would have finished delivering the take -out at six or seven in

  the evening. He would have ended work at eight.

  However, it was different today. They had to bring these express delivery

  companies to the nearby express delivery cabinets and district courier stations

  to record them down. Some district courier stations had to think of other

  substitute delivery points if they could not fit them. It was already past eight at

  night after unloading the cars.

  He went back to the internet area to work on other things. The knock-off time

  was going to be extended to 10 PM.

  What was even more infuriating was that when he passed by Upwind Courier

  stations, he realized that Upwind Courier stations had become very free!

  Upwind Courier stations’ express deliverymen had originally wanted to deliver

  parcels to customers’ doorsteps, so they were in charge of the shift. The

  employees took turns to look at the shop and deliver the parcels. They were

  more busy.

  Previously, the express deliverymen of Shengyun Corporation had knocked off,

  and Upwind Courier stations were still working.

  of course, Upwind Courier stations were closed down. Their working hours

  were much shorter than other express deliverymen. However, when Shengyun

  Corporation’s express deliverymen saw that Upwind Courier stations were still

  busy after work, they could more or less feel better.

  Yet, today was great. Upwind Courier stations had completely relaxed and

  knocked off happily!

  Shengyun Corporation’s express deliverymen felt even more unbalanced.

  Upwind Logistics express deliverymen had a short working time, earned a lot

  of money, took shifts, and had good benefits. In the past, they had at least

  knocked off later than us.

  Yet, now, they had knocked off earlier than us!

  How could he remain calm?

  It was as sour as eating tons of lemons!

  What was even more despairing was that the cell phones of these express

  deliverymen were almost exploding.

  That was because many people realized that their parcels were not delivered to

  their doorstep? They were not placed at the familiar Upwind Courier stations

  either. Why were they thrown far away at the delivery stations?

  Many people could not remain calm after checking the logistics. Why did they

  throw it so far away? Why did they want me to get it myself?

  They could not find Upwind Logistics and could only call Shengyun

  Corporation’s express delivery man.

  However, they realized that the line was either busy or occupied. Some express

  deliverymen even switched their cell phones off.

  Shengyun Corporation’s express deliverymen were on the brink of collapse,

  and so were the customers who could not reach the phone!

  This anxiety was like an electric current. It soon reached the upper echelons of

  Shengyun Corporation.