Chapter 1485 - Hotly Discussed Online!
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  Translator: Atlas Studios | Editor: Atlas Studios

  Pei Qjan’s heart could not help but tremble when he saw Upwind Logistics

  news becoming a hot topic.

  What was going on?

  Upwind Logistics was a huge loss to Tengda Corporation. It was the hope of the

  entire Tengda Corporation. Lu Mingliang was also a trusted aide that could

  stabilize the situation. Nothing must happen to you!

  Pei Qjan quickly opened the hot searches and checked the details.

  In fact, it was said that Shengyun Corporation and Upwind Logistics had

  occupied the hot searches. In fact, the news of the two companies were


  Shengyun Corporation had a very high position on the hot searches. The topic

  was # Shengyun Corporation is causing trouble # and # Shengyun

  Corporation’s Express Delivery #. Upwind Logistics was at the back of the hot

  searches. The topic was # Upwind Logistics paused the service #. The former

  was an affirmative sentence while the latter was a question.

  However, it was obvious that there was a connection between the two.

  There were many discussions online. Pei Qjan quickly restored the original

  situation through the netizens’ discussions even though they were all


  “So what if it’s Shengyun Express? My express delivery has been at the transit

  station for hours. Why isn’t it being delivered to me?

  “They can’t send it over, right? Im in Shanghai. I saw that the delivery cabinets

  of Shengyun Express are all filled up. Their district courier stations are also

  filled up. There’s not evena place to put my feet. If you’re in a hurry to get the

  express delivery, go to the courier station in the district yourself.”

  “Why should I get it from the courier station in the district? Didn’t they always

  deliver it to my doorstep?

  “Those are Upwind Courier stations……I went to ask. Upwind Courier stations are

  not accepting Shengyun Express’s packages because the system has been

  upgraded. Therefore.Shengyun Express is probably confused. These express

  delivery companies are accumulating together. It’s a little like a double 11


  Everyone in Shengyun Express is really a bunch of useless people. This is not a

  festival. How can it be filled with parcels? Or could it be that they did not

  arrange for the personnel of the various stations according to the delivery

  volume and capacity? Therefore, if something unexpected happens, they would

  be in a mess?

  “In my opinion, this is Upwind Logistics’ fault, right? Look at the notice from

  Shengyun Express. They said that it was because of the problem with Upwind

  Logistics that the express delivery pile up. They are sending more people to

  send it. Thus, they need to be delayed for a few days. They suggest that

  everyone come to the express delivery cabinet and courier station as soon as


  Why is it Upwind Logistics’ fault? They did not say that they had to send you

  Shengyun Express. It’s their freedom to adjust their business. Shengyun

  Express is the express delivery company with the highest market share in the

  country. Without Upwind Courier stations, they can’t even do the delivery

  segment well? Are you a delivery giant or a delivery giant?”

  “Heh, you still have the cheek to push the blame to Upwind Logistics? Didn’t

  Shengyun Express announce internally that their cooperation with Upwind

  Logistics was going to be terminated? Why, are you still blaming Upwind

  Logistics? You’re simply shameless!

  The by-standers were confused, and not everyone could figure out the truth

  However, their natural good impression of Upwind Logistics made them

  naturally lean towards it.

  Upwind Logistics was a delivery brand under Tengda Corporation. They had

  been diligently delivering parcels to customers’ doorsteps for so long. The

  delivery men were kind and passionate, leaving a good impression on


  On the other hand, what about Shengyun Express? It might have a high market

  share but its image was far worse than Upwind Logistics.

  Therefore, everyone’s first reaction was of course to scold Shengyun Express.

  In fact, there was no reason for this matter to ferment so quickly. After all,

  there was only a slight delay in the delivery. It was a little ridiculous for it to

  become a hot topic in a day.

  The key was that this was not a simple ‘delayed delivery’. Instead, it was a

  serious delay in the surrounding areas of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and

  Jingzhou. What’s more, Shengyun Express’s express delivery cabinet and

  courier station were all full!

  If it was a special festival like Singles Day, everyone would understand that the

  delivery was full. What’s more, Shengyun Express could be said to be too good

  in its own business, causing the warehouse to be full.

  However, these two days were not any special days. It was just an ordinary

  work day, but the express delivery was still full. Did this mean that there was

  obviously a problem with the entire system of Shengyun Express. It was too

  weak that it would shatter with a single touch?

  Shengyun Express was also trying hard to shift the blame. They said that

  Upwind Logistics suddenly stopped supporting Shengyun Express’s delivery,

  causing a delay in the terminal.

  However, someone soon stood up to expose Shengyun Express’s’ only partial

  truth behavior: Shengyun Express had obviously stopped working with

  Upwind Logistics in second- and third-tier cities and remote areas first!

  What’s more, this thing had an internal notice as proof. It was useless to deny


  In fact, when Shengyun Express banned Chilu Delivery, they had already

  released ‘Notice on Prohibition of Prohibition of Agency of Chilu Delivery’ and

  Penalty Announcement for Prohibition of Agency of Chilu Delivery’ on the

  intemet. Someone had released it at that tinme. However, the attention was too

  low and it was not popular, so it did not cause much of a stir.

  At that time, Shengyun Express banned them because Chilu Delivery was a


  Chilu Delivery might be cheap, but the service did not leave a deep impression

  on customers. After the ban, Shengyun Delivery’s own business was not

  affected at all. Thus, Chilu Delivery died silently.

  However, this time, the situation was completely different. Shengyun Express

  had kicked an iron plate

  Obviously, Upwind Logistics and Chilu Delivery were on completely different

  levels. They could even be said to be from different dimensions.

  Netizens saw that, alright, Shengyun Express would first stop working with

  Upwind Logistics in a second- and third-tier city and push their own express

  delivery cabinet and community courier station. Wasn’t this burning bridges?

  Wasn’t this just picking up a bowl to eat, putting down the chopsticks to curse?

  The cooperation had been good at first, but you insisted on building your own

  express delivery cabinet and community courier station and replace Upwind

  Courier stations.

  Then, Upwind Courier stations would logically stop working with you in

  first-tier cities. Then, you would panic and start shouting that you were


  He had never seen someone so brazen!

  Of course, even though Shengyun Express was scolded, public opinion was not

  completely one-sided.

  That was because Shengyun Express could hire fake reviewers!

  Once the fake reviewers were mobilized, they could at least maintain a balance

  in terms of voice. They used words like Upwind Logistics is not a good thing’,

  Upwind Logistics wants to take drastic measures to drag dowm Shengyun

  Express’, and ‘Shengyun Express can’t be considered to be cutting off their


  The more both sides hyped up, the more popular this matter became.

  Those who had been filled with anger because the express delivery was not

  being delivered turned their anger into motivation at that moment. They went

  crazy online and fought the fake reviewers who protected Shengyun Express

  for three hundred rounds!

  Pei Qjan felt that he had to ask a little about this after understanding the


  Upwind Logistics was the key to whether he could incur losses during this


  That was because Pei Qjan had roughly calculated that the pressure to incur

  losses during this cycle was indeed unprecedented. Even if he considered

  charity activities, zoo building, headquarters building investment, and other

  spending methods, it was still a little difficult to complete the loss.

  That was because Tengda was too big now, so it was getting harder to predict.

  A huge sum of money would appear out of nowhere if there were any slight

  fluctuations in the performance of those profitable industries.

  Thus, Pei Qan had to rack his brains to think of a plan.

  He could spend a huge sum of money to acquire Finger Games, but he might

  not be able to settle this before settlement! He could not count on it.

  What’s more, all these calculations were based on Upwind Logistics’ current


  If Upwind Logistics suddenly incurred less losses before settlement, it would

  be very easy for something big to happen.

  At that thought, Pei Qjan called Lu Mingliang and asked about Upwind

  Logistics and shengyun Express.

  Over the phone, Lu Mingliang sounded very confident. “Boss Pei, don’t worry.

  Everything is under my control!

  “Tve been unhappy with the people from Shengyun Express for a long time.

  They were the ones earning the most from the express delivery money. Now,

  they want to kick us away? They really don’t care about face!

  “What should I do with them?

  “That’s right, Boss Pei, don’t worry. After temporarily stopping our business

  with them, Upwind Logistics’ work became much more relaxed. We sent fewer

  express deliveries because we were incurring losses to begin with. We also lost

  less money. We can save a lot of performance salary and overtime pay.

  Tn other words, we don’t have any pressure on money.”

  “Shengyun Corporation will definitely not be able to take it if this continues!”

  Pei Qjan was silent.

  I don’t know if Shengyun Corporation or Upwind Logistics will be the first to

  collapse, but I know that I will definitely be the first to collapse……

  How could you lose less? At this critical moment, isn’t that killing me?

  However, the reason why both sides were in such a state was mainly because

  Shengyun Corporation wanted to cut ties with Upwind Logistics. What Lu

  Mingliang did was a legitimate counterattack

  Pei Qjan could not possibly allow all of Upwind Logistics’s employees to

  continue working with Shengyun Corporation just to lose some money, right?

  That would not be humane.

  Upwind Logistics had a huge responsibility to incur losses. Pei Qjan still had to

  rely on them.

  Pei Qjan pondered for a moment and realized that there was no good solution

  to this problem. That was because he knew nothing about Upwind Logistics

  entire system anymore. Naturally, it was difficult for him to deal with the


  When Upwind Logistics was first established, Pei Qjan was very familiar wit

  the entire system. After all, this system was built according to his concept.

  However, Upwind Logistics had been incurring losses for several years. Lu

  Mingliang was in charge of everything. It was very reassuring

  Thus, Pei Qian did not pay attention to Upwind Logistics anymore.

  Since he no longer understood, he would let Lu Mingliang think about it.

  After some consideration, Pei Qjan said, “Alright, you can take care of Upwind

  Logistics. I won’t interfere. However, I have a request: you cannot save money.”

  The most basic task for you is to maintain the current losses.”

  If you can increase this loss, that would be even better!