Chapter 1560 - The Way Of Victory From Bunny Tail Live-Stream
writer:Inebriation-seeking Blue Shirt      update:2022-08-17 13:40
  Zhu Yan was completely stunned.

  Again! Yet again!

  The people in charge of Tengda were not talking about morals anymore!

  Previously, Tengda had organized a low-level event that brought the segment of ‘The person-in-charge’s words’ to a stop.

  At first, these companies heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that Boss Pei had deliberately interrupted the ‘person-in-charge said’ segment.

  It was reasonable thinking about it. After all, the content of the ‘person-in-charge said’ was too explosive. It was completely digging at the bottom of all industries. Would it attract more companies to attack it? After all, you are not only attacking the existing industries, but also cutting off the path of many internet innovations in the future!

  What’s more, if this continued, Tengda’s various industries would be affected.

  What if you were the one who completed the monopoly in the future? If you set up this persona now, how could you earn quick money through the monopoly market position in the future?

  Thus, everyone felt that Boss Pei might have realized that this situation was a little too popular, so he asked the people in charge to stop. He wanted to cool down their rash minds through the low-level event.

  It was precisely because of this that the two live-stream platforms could attack Bunny Tail live-stream without any worries.

  That was because in their judgment, this should be a strategic contraction period for Bunny Tail Live-Stream.

  However, he did not expect Bunny Tail Live-Stream to not retreat even though he had made a mistake. Instead, it flipped the table!

  That was equivalent to putting the intentions of both companies on the table. What if the live streamer did not come when they went to poach him in the future?

  Bunny Tail Live-Stream had already dismantled their plan to poach the live-streamers very clearly. Even the stupid and lawless live-streamers would pay attention after watching this video, right? Wouldn’t Wolf Fang Live-Stream and Waiwai Live-Stream have to explain the terms one by one to these streamers to poach them to be moving? It would be very difficult to scare these streamers with just a paper number.

  However, if he explained it word for word, wouldn’t all these tricks be missing?

  Zhu Yan was so angry that he wanted to curse. Was there something wrong with Bunny Tail Live-Stream?

  You could have used this route. Wouldn’t it be better for the three of us to poach people, burn money together, and eat the streamer’s penalty?

  Why must Bunny Tail Live-Stream be different from us?

  What’s more, he’s trying to undermine us!

  Zhu Yan was very angry, but the video was not over yet.

  Previously, he had only exposed the tricks of these live-stream platforms and briefly introduced the difference in Bunny Tail Live-Stream. However, he did not elaborate on the specific measures that Bunny Tail Live-Stream had to take.

  Next was the development phase.

  Qiao Liang continued, “In the future, Bunny Tail Live-Stream will be a business model that is different from other live-stream websites. We will sign contracts with live streamers who have reached a certain number of people and become official employees. We will set up strict working hours, daily benefits, and calculate benefits based on the real popularity.”

  “All profits are calculated according to classes. It is clear and clear. There is a system to rely


  “Indeed, we cannot provide a very high treatment number on the paper like other platforms. However, we can use other methods to change the commercial value of the host. That would achieve a win-win situation between the platform and the host.”

  “For example, we will organize some competitions or variety shows regularly, such as the previous Safe and Civilized Driving Competition. We will prioritize supporting the old streamers of Bunny Tail Live-Stream so that you can obtain more and better stages.”

  “In addition, we might also be in deep cooperation with Tengda Games and Fei Huang Workspace in the future. The veteran streamers of Bunny Tail Live-Stream can seek to transit like movies or other industries. As long as you have the strength, Bunny Tail Live-Stream will provide as much support as possible!”

  “On top of that, we will also take the initiative to contact some commercial promotion. Of course, the prerequisite is that we will strictly supervise these commercial promotion.” “Please believe me, everyone. Bunny Tail Live-Stream will be sharp and serious about this. Your stage is definitely the most vast as the live-stream host in Bunny Tail Live-Stream!”

  “Many new streamers think that Bunny Tail Live-Stream is the platform that is most conducive for newbies to stand out. However, once they succeed and gain popularity, they have to jump to other platforms to obtain high salary.”

  “This is obviously a misunderstanding.”

  “That’s because other platforms’ high salaries are filled with tricks. It might not be as good as everyone thinks. Once they fail to jump ship, the price they have to pay would be extremely heavy. They might even lose their entire live streamer career.”

  “That’s why I hope that everyone can seriously think about what the future of the live-stream industry should be like. Which business model would be more conducive to the growth of users, streamers, and platforms?”.

  “Now, you are tempted by the high salary on paper. In the future, when capital is monopolized by forcefully poaching live streamers, do you still have the ability to negotiate prices? The benefits you obtain now will be returned in the future!”

  “We will not sign a sky-high contract with the streamer because such a sky-high contract will definitely have various requirements for the streamer. In the end, we have to think of a way to deduct the benefits. The streamer cannot really get so much money.”

  “In comparison, we will evaluate the host based on the actual number of viewers and live-stream content. We will pay the host salary.”

  “Under certain circumstances, the salary might not be comparable to the numbers on paper on other platforms. However, from the comprehensive benefits and the live-stream environment, Bunny Tail Live-Stream is the real platform that is seriously operating!”

  “In the future, we will hire more streamers to enter the knowledge area.”

  “At that time, the users of Bunny Tail Live-Stream would be able to see their favorite streamer explaining knowledge content within an hour of learning. This is like a novel experience that allows both streamers and users to grow.” “We hope that this is a place where live-streamers, users, and platforms grow together. We hope that everyone can open your eyes, carefully distinguish, and do your best for the development of the live-stream industry!”

  “Every one of us is a participant in the entire live-stream industry. That’s why we have to make the right choice!”

  There was some other content in the second half of the video after Qiao Liang finished speaking

  A few live-streamers of Bunny Tail Live-Stream personally went on camera and described their personal experience. They also analyzed the difference between Bunny Tail Live-Stream and other live-stream industries from different angles.

  Qiao Liang’s explanation might be relatively generalized and directly hit the basic rules of the entire live-stream industry. These streamers spoke more specific and infectious. For example, Zhang Yan had also appeared in the show. She felt that Bunny Tail Live-Stream had two biggest advantages compared to other live-stream platforms.

  The first point was that Bunny Tail Live-Stream was very humane. There was the warmth of home here, not cold data and calculations.

  You don’t have to worry about whether the official platform was playing tricks on you seeing the figures drop. You just have to find the reason from yourself. As long as you seriously polish the content of your live-stream, you will one day obtain a wider stage here. The second point was that the promotional channel for Bunny Tail Live-Stream was very clear. No matter the level of popularity, there would be rewards, how the gifts would be divided, and how many opportunities there would be to cross over. These were all very clear rules. There was no need to worry about any scams or traps.

  On the other hand, some other streamers mentioned that in Bunny Tail Live-Stream, all streamers spoke based on their strength. No one played tricks. Naturally, everyone was convinced of each other and there were fewer situations where they were jealous.

  Many streamers were even more direct. They had been poached by other platforms before, but there were too many pits in the contract. They could not be trusted at all.

  They were both earning money. If they stayed in Bunny Tail Live-Stream, they could grow together with Bunny Tail Live-Stream. What’s more, their future prospects were better. They were still free. Why did they jump to other platforms rashly?

  Previously, many people only saw the high salary of other platforms compared to Bunny Tail Live-Stream.

  However, this video analysis dug out the true strength of both sides hidden under the ice mountain and under the water!

  Obviously, Bunny Tail Live-Stream had its advantage. This advantage was hidden, but after some analysis, he felt that Bunny Tail Live-Stream actually had a wider possibility and prospects than other live-stream platforms!

  The assistant asked worriedly, “Boss Zhu, what should we do?”

  Zhu Yan was silent for a long time without replying

  He really did not know what to do!

  He could only say that Tengda’s table flipping gameplay was really annoying. It was simple and crude, but it was better than nothing. He could not fight back!

  Could it be that he wanted Waiwai Live-Stream and Wolf Fang Live-Stream to produce a program to dismantle the business model of Bunny Tail Live-Stream?

  However, the business model of Bunny Tail Live-Stream was public and transparent. Bunny Tail Live-Stream itself was dismantled very clearly! If Wolf Fang Live-Stream and Waiwai Live-Stream were to tell the truth, it would be equivalent to giving the other party bullets to prove the other party’s words and whip themselves.

  However, if Wolf Fang Live-Stream and Waiwai Live-Stream said unrealistically that they were discrediting the business model of Bunny Tail Live-Stream through nonsense, that would be equivalent to slandering.

  If Bunny Tail Live-Stream were to sully them, these two platforms would have to bear the consequences!

  Bunny Tail Live-Stream’s current state could be said to be upright and not afraid of shadows. That was why he dared to dig out everything in the dark and show it to the public.

  Bunny Tail Live-Stream did not do these things so it was not affected. The other two platforms really had no way!

  After thinking for a long time, Zhu Yan said to his assistant, “Don’t make any moves for


  “Go and contact the person-in-charge of Waiwai streaming platform. I want to talk to him.”

  Obviously, Zhu Yan had realized the seriousness of the problem.

  Waiwai Live-Stream and Wolf Fang Live-Stream might also be competitors, but no matter which one of them won, the other party would only be bought over. It was not fatal. It was more likely that their two families would coexist for a long time and stabilize. However, if Bunny Tail Live-Stream won, it would bring about a revolution in the business model of the live-stream platform. Neither of these two platforms could dream of escaping! That was because only Bunny Tail Live-Stream could play well in this model. The other live-stream platforms would only die!