Chapter 440 The Origin of Dark Lord I
writer:don_offl      update:2022-08-18 16:49
  "If I go back now, I will get caught by professor Lane for sure. He is roaming outside the castle for some reason" Wilkas shook his head,

  [The host should bring him with you]

  Surprisingly the system asked Michael to bring Wilaks to the tree. Deep down, Michael too had a feeling that he might need Wilkas. Trusting the system and his instincts never went wrong. Hence, Michael chose to bring Wilkas with him to the tree.

  "Follow me"

  Considering Michael planned to make Wilkas his subordinate, he did not have to worry about the half-elf betraying him. Plus, Michael didn't think Wilkas would double-cross him as he stood to gain nothing by betraying him,

  "What about him?" asked Wilkas pointing at Decker,

  "Leave him"

  Wilkas didn't feel bad for leaving Decker alone. He barely knew the guy yet he tried to kill him. If it was up to Wilkas, he would expel him before beating the crap out of him. Wilkas had no idea that Decker had been already expelled and he was there to kill the ones responsible for his expulsion.

  When Wilkas and Michael reached the oak tree, Wilkas's eyes went wide. They looked as though they were about to pop out of their sockets.

  "What the heck? Is that Gilrine? What happened to him?" he frantically asked. As he was about to run towards Gilrine, he saw Professor Steinmeye stepping out of the shadows,

  "Professor Steinmeyer" Wilkas's body went rigid in shock,

  "What the fuck is he doing here?" asked Gaya staring at Wilkas with murderous intent in her eyes,

  "I'll tell you later. You said we have a problem"

  Rather than explaining what was the problem, Gaya walked to the tree, grabbed a handful of powder from the leather pouch, and drew the symbol 'W' on the tree.

  Wilkas looked at the tree moving with his mouth wide open. He couldn't believe a giant tree such as this was moving like a puppet. It was too magical. Soon, dark lines appeared on his forehead because he was able to read the glowing runes unlike Michael or Gaya,

  "That's it, nothing happens. It will stay like this and after two minutes, the tree will move back to normal" Gaya punched the tree in frustration,


  [The system requires 500,000 badass points to disarm the runes]

  [Since the host has only 160,000 badass points, the system could loan you the remaining amount for just a 40% interest rate]

  Frowned Michael. But when he turned to look at Wilkas, he saw Wilkas staring at the runes as though he recognized them. Because Wilkas was a runemaster, Michael realized he might have some ideas and he might not need the help of the system.

  "Can you read them?"

  "I already did"

  Gaya finally stopped punching the tree and turned her gaze towards Wilkas,

  "What does it say?! Tell us" Gaya dashed at Wilkas. She grabbed him by his collar and lifted him off the ground,


  "Say it!"

  Wilkas swallowed a mouth full of saliva. He had no idea why the professor was behaving like this. He even began to doubt if she was a professor at all.

  "Put him down" Michael placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. For him, it was just finding a solution for his third persona problem. But for her, it was about finding her mother. He knew how much her mother meant to her.

  "AAH" Wilkas breathed heavily when his feet touched the ground.

  "What does it mean?" asked Michael,

  Wilkas took a deep breath,

  "They are ancient runes. They roughly translate into, the blood of evil shed by innocent opens the gate of darkness"

  "What the fuck is that?" Gaya threw her arms in the air. It seemed like a riddle and Gaya hated the riddles so much, especially when her mother's life might depend on this riddle.

  "The blood of evil shed by innocent opens the gate of darkness, hmm"

  "Does it mean something to you?' asked Gaya after hearing Michael mumbling what Wilkas said under his breath,

  "Stay here"

  In a blink of an eye, Michael disappeared, turning himself into a bolt of lightning. He came back dragging Decker with him. Gaya was confused,

  "Shit who is this?"

  "Wilkas" Michael looked at Wilkas. Maintaining the eye contact, he bent down to pick up the crimson red daggers in Decker's sheathes,

  "Kill him"

  Wilkas was startled by Michael's words.

  "What do you mean kill him?"

  "You have been bullied your whole life. This world will never stop treating trash until you choose to change the world. Your whole life, you've been hiding and fearing for others. Even coming to Mazeorth didn't change your life like wanted"

  "But" Wilkas clenched his fist. Although his words made sense, Wilkas could not get himself to take a life.

  "You can be a maggot as they've been calling you or choose to man up and change your life around"

  "If killing him would open whatever it is, let me kill him" Gaya tried to snatch the daggers but she couldn't,

  "Yes, let her do it. Why do you want me to kill him? I am not a killer"

  Michael was losing his patience. He was not in the mood to deal with Wilkas's naiveness.

  "In this world, you can only be either a prey or a predator. Man up, kill him, and let me change how this world works" Michael said gritting his teeth,

  Still, Wilkas shook his head. Michael lost his cool as he grabbed Wilkas by his neck. His eyes flickered din red as the dark armor slowly started to appear on his body replacing the green robes,

  "Let me make this simple for you. Kill him or I will kill you and everyone you know in the slums you grow up"

  Wilkas's heart skipped a beat seeing his transformation. His voice sounded creepy and demonic and his eyes were burning as though someone set them on fire,

  "You don't understand what's at stake here Wilkas" Gaya tried to knock some sense into Wilkas,

  "If he doesn't do this, the whole world will suffer. Let him see his people suffer first. Give Azazel the order" Michael turned his fiery gaze towards Gaya,

  "STOP!" finally Wilkas shouted,

  He was an orphan but he could not let the innocent people in the slums suffer. His hands shivered as he grabbed the daggers in Michael's hands,

  "Don't hurt them" Wilkas stuttered. He was too afraid to curse at sixty-six. The fear had clutched his heart thanks to the fear toxin Wilkas inhaled.

  "Kill him"

  Gaya saw the runes losing their glow. She quickly moved towards the tree and drew the symbol once again. On the other hand, Wilkas clutched the dagger tightly. His body was shivering uncontrollably.

  Wilkas breathed heavily. He wanted to shout for help but no words came out of his mouth. He saw no way to escape from this situation. His mind could not think of a plan.

  "DO IT!" Michael growled in his demonic voice. Slowly Wilkas raised the dagger above his head. He clenched the dagger with his two hands,


  This time when he heard the shout, Wilkas brought down the dagger, penetrating Decker's chest. The blood sprayed out of the wound. The beating heart of Decker pumped out the blood forcefully. In a couple of seconds, Wilkas's pale face was painted red with Decker's blood and the ground beneath them was completely soaked in thick blood.

  Michael turned his head and saw the blue runes slowly turning red. The blood on the ground began to gather into a puddle. From the blood puddle appeared several extensions made of blood. Soon these extensions moved towards the tree like snakes.

  The ground beneath them trembled as they started to hear something heavy crack open. The center point of the oak tree slowly split open, revealing a spinning vortex.


  The vortex sucked in Decker's body. After his body disappeared into the vortex, Wilkas felt the pull. Gaya did not wait for the vortex to pull her in but dashed into it. Michael grabbed Wilkas by his collar and threw him into the vortex before he himself dashed into the portal.

  Michael had no time to wonder what was on the other side of the portal. The third persona had already taken control of half of his body and it took everything in him to keep it from completely manifesting.

  After the trio entered the portal, the tree returned to its normal state. And just before the last rune faded away, the humanoid shape made of leaves appeared in front of the tree. A split second after, the blood on the ground completely vanished along with the humanoid figure.

  Somewhere else in the Akilan realm, Michael, Gaya, and Wilkas were free falling.

  "AHHHHHH!" Wilkas screamed out loud when he opened his eyes and realized that he was falling from the sky.

  Suddenly he felt a hand grab his shoulder and the next thing he knew, he landed on the ground safely. He let out a heavy breath. His vision slowly cleared as he didn't feel as terrified as before.

  He closed his eyes tight and opened them again, hoping everything that happened was just a nightmare. When he opened his eyes, he saw sixty-six and professor Steinmeyer walking in front of him towards a lone tree.

  He was not in his scary black armor as just a few moments ago. Wilkas looked around to see where he was. As far as he could see, there was nothing but floating mountains. The place he was standing on was paved and the only thing in the vicinity was the lone tree on the edge.

  While walking towards the lone oak tree, Gaya's body was shivering. The closer they got to the tree, the more they could make out a face in the tree.

  "The God of Darkness" suddenly a calm voice reverberated in the area.

  "I've been waiting for you for three thousand years" Gaya looked closer at the tree to see the face talking.

  Finally, she had found the dark elf in the tree her mother asked her to find. She felt like she got a step closer to finding what really happened to her mother.

  Chapter 441 The Origin of Dark Lord I”If I go back now, I will get caught by professor Lane for sure. He is roaming outside the castle for some reason” Wilkas shook his head,

  [The host should bring him with you]

  Surprisingly the system asked Michael to bring Wilaks to the tree. Deep down, Michael too had a feeling that he might need Wilkas. Trusting the system and his instincts never went wrong. Hence, Michael chose to bring Wilkas with him to the tree.

  ”Follow me”

  Considering Michael planned to make Wilkas his subordinate, he did not have to worry about the half-elf betraying him. Plus, Michael didn’t think Wilkas would double-cross him as he stood to gain nothing by betraying him,

  ”What about him?” asked Wilkas pointing at Decker,

  ”Leave him”
Wilkas didn’t feel bad for leaving Decker alone. He barely knew the guy yet he tried to kill him. If it was up to Wilkas, he would expel him before beating the crap out of him. Wilkas had no idea that Decker had been already expelled and he was there to kill the ones responsible for his expulsion.

  When Wilkas and Michael reached the oak tree, Wilkas’s eyes went wide. They looked as though they were about to pop out of their sockets.

  ”What the heck? Is that Gilrine? What happened to him?” he frantically asked. As he was about to run towards Gilrine, he saw Professor Steinmeye stepping out of the shadows,

  ”Professor Steinmeyer” Wilkas’s body went rigid in shock,

  ”What the fuck is he doing here?” asked Gaya staring at Wilkas with murderous intent in her eyes,

  ”I’ll tell you later. You said we have a problem”
Rather than explaining what was the problem, Gaya walked to the tree, grabbed a handful of powder from the leather pouch, and drew the symbol ‘W’ on the tree.

  Wilkas looked at the tree moving with his mouth wide open. He couldn’t believe a giant tree such as this was moving like a puppet. It was too magical. Soon, dark lines appeared on his forehead because he was able to read the glowing runes unlike Michael or Gaya,

  ”That’s it, nothing happens. It will stay like this and after two minutes, the tree will move back to normal” Gaya punched the tree in frustration,

[The system requires 500,000 badass points to disarm the runes]

  [Since the host has only 160,000 badass points, the system could loan you the remaining amount for just a 40% interest rate]

  Frowned Michael. But when he turned to look at Wilkas, he saw Wilkas staring at the runes as though he recognized them. Because Wilkas was a runemaster, Michael realized he might have some ideas and he might not need the help of the system.

  ”Can you read them?”
”I already did”
Gaya finally stopped punching the tree and turned her gaze towards Wilkas,

  ”What does it say?! Tell us” Gaya dashed at Wilkas. She grabbed him by his collar and lifted him off the ground,

”Say it!”
Wilkas swallowed a mouth full of saliva. He had no idea why the professor was behaving like this. He even began to doubt if she was a professor at all.

  ”Put him down” Michael placed his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. For him, it was just finding a solution for his third persona problem. But for her, it was about finding her mother. He knew how much her mother meant to her.

  ”AAH” Wilkas breathed heavily when his feet touched the ground.

  ”What does it mean?” asked Michael,

  Wilkas took a deep breath,

  ”They are ancient runes. They roughly translate into, the blood of evil shed by innocent opens the gate of darkness”
”What the fuck is that?” Gaya threw her arms in the air. It seemed like a riddle and Gaya hated the riddles so much, especially when her mother’s life might depend on this riddle.

  ”The blood of evil shed by innocent opens the gate of darkness, hmm”
”Does it mean something to you?’ asked Gaya after hearing Michael mumbling what Wilkas said under his breath,

  ”Stay here”
In a blink of an eye, Michael disappeared, turning himself into a bolt of lightning. He came back dragging Decker with him. Gaya was confused,

  ”Shit who is this?”
”Wilkas” Michael looked at Wilkas. Maintaining the eye contact, he bent down to pick up the crimson red daggers in Decker’s sheathes,

  ”Kill him”
Wilkas was startled by Michael’s words.

  ”What do you mean kill him?”

  ”You have been bullied your whole life. This world will never stop treating trash until you choose to change the world. Your whole life, you’ve been hiding and fearing for others. Even coming to Mazeorth didn’t change your life like wanted”
”But” Wilkas clenched his fist. Although his words made sense, Wilkas could not get himself to take a life.

  ”You can be a maggot as they’ve been calling you or choose to man up and change your life around”
”If killing him would open whatever it is, let me kill him” Gaya tried to snatch the daggers but she couldn’t,

  ”Yes, let her do it. Why do you want me to kill him? I am not a killer”
Michael was losing his patience. He was not in the mood to deal with Wilkas’s naiveness.

  ”In this world, you can only be either a prey or a predator. Man up, kill him, and let me change how this world works” Michael said gritting his teeth,

  Still, Wilkas shook his head. Michael lost his cool as he grabbed Wilkas by his neck. His eyes flickered din red as the dark armor slowly started to appear on his body replacing the green robes,

  ”Let me make this simple for you. Kill him or I will kill you and everyone you know in the slums you grow up”

  Wilkas’s heart skipped a beat seeing his transformation. His voice sounded creepy and demonic and his eyes were burning as though someone set them on fire,

  ”You don’t understand what’s at stake here Wilkas” Gaya tried to knock some sense into Wilkas,

  ”If he doesn’t do this, the whole world will suffer. Let him see his people suffer first. Give Azazel the order” Michael turned his fiery gaze towards Gaya,

  ”STOP!” finally Wilkas shouted,

  He was an orphan but he could not let the innocent people in the slums suffer. His hands shivered as he grabbed the daggers in Michael’s hands,

  ”Don’t hurt them” Wilkas stuttered. He was too afraid to curse at sixty-six. The fear had clutched his heart thanks to the fear toxin Wilkas inhaled.

  ”Kill him”
Gaya saw the runes losing their glow. She quickly moved towards the tree and drew the symbol once again. On the other hand, Wilkas clutched the dagger tightly. His body was shivering uncontrollably.

  Wilkas breathed heavily. He wanted to shout for help but no words came out of his mouth. He saw no way to escape from this situation. His mind could not think of a plan.

  ”DO IT!” Michael growled in his demonic voice. Slowly Wilkas raised the dagger above his head. He clenched the dagger with his two hands,

This time when he heard the shout, Wilkas brought down the dagger, penetrating Decker’s chest. The blood sprayed out of the wound. The beating heart of Decker pumped out the blood forcefully. In a couple of seconds, Wilkas’s pale face was painted red with Decker’s blood and the ground beneath them was completely soaked in thick blood.

  Michael turned his head and saw the blue runes slowly turning red. The blood on the ground began to gather into a puddle. From the blood puddle appeared several extensions made of blood. Soon these extensions moved towards the tree like snakes.

  The ground beneath them trembled as they started to hear something heavy crack open. The center point of the oak tree slowly split open, revealing a spinning vortex.


  The vortex sucked in Decker’s body. After his body disappeared into the vortex, Wilkas felt the pull. Gaya did not wait for the vortex to pull her in but dashed into it. Michael grabbed Wilkas by his collar and threw him into the vortex before he himself dashed into the portal.

  Michael had no time to wonder what was on the other side of the portal. The third persona had already taken control of half of his body and it took everything in him to keep it from completely manifesting.

  After the trio entered the portal, the tree returned to its normal state. And just before the last rune faded away, the humanoid shape made of leaves appeared in front of the tree. A split second after, the blood on the ground completely vanished along with the humanoid figure.

  Somewhere else in the Akilan realm, Michael, Gaya, and Wilkas were free falling.

  ”AHHHHHH!” Wilkas screamed out loud when he opened his eyes and realized that he was falling from the sky.

  Suddenly he felt a hand grab his shoulder and the next thing he knew, he landed on the ground safely. He let out a heavy breath. His vision slowly cleared as he didn’t feel as terrified as before.

  He closed his eyes tight and opened them again, hoping everything that happened was just a nightmare. When he opened his eyes, he saw sixty-six and professor Steinmeyer walking in front of him towards a lone tree.

  He was not in his scary black armor as just a few moments ago. Wilkas looked around to see where he was. As far as he could see, there was nothing but floating mountains. The place he was standing on was paved and the only thing in the vicinity was the lone tree on the edge.

  While walking towards the lone oak tree, Gaya’s body was shivering. The closer they got to the tree, the more they could make out a face in the tree.

  ”The God of Darkness” suddenly a calm voice reverberated in the area.

  ”I’ve been waiting for you for three thousand years” Gaya looked closer at the tree to see the face talking.

  Finally, she had found the dark elf in the tree her mother asked her to find. She felt like she got a step closer to finding what really happened to her mother.

  Chapter 442 The Origin of Dark Lord IIMichael approached the tree while scanning the surroundings. His Environmental scanning did not find any intruders or living beings.

  ”Who are you?” asked Michael, frowning. It was evident that this figure is the same one Gaya’s mother was talking about; the dark elf in the tree.

  ”They should have known mortal arrays are no match for a god” the figure merged with the tree amused,

  ”I am Elidyr, one of the founders of Order of Death and the man who created the ritual to open the gates to the void realm” the man spoke.

  Michael was calm but when he heard what the dark elf said next, he was startled to the core,

  ”You may know the void realm as Earth”

  Michael halted his pace, staying still in shock. No one except Gaya knew about earth and that was because he told her. Except for her, only the system knew his origin.

  Michael stared at the dark elf to see how powerful he was which resulted in another surprise as the dark elf was only at the Body Refining stage.

  ”God of Darkness?” Wilkas gasped hearing the dark elf.

  He couldn’t simply believe sixty six is a god as the figure stuck to the tree claimed him to be.

  ”You know about Earth”
Since the dark elf clearly knew about the earth, Michael did not try to conceal his secret.

  ”I know everything about you Lucifer. I know you’ve been in war with yourself, a version of yourself more precisely”

  Elidyr kept shocking Michael with his knowledge. Gaya remained silent, letting Michael get an answer for his problem from the dark elf. Then, she would inquire the elf about her mother,

  Michael on the other hand completely ignored the existence of Wilkas.

  He approached the elf and stood a couple of meters before the tree.

  ”You came here looking for a fix for your problem, didn’t you Lucifer?” asked Elidyr,

  ”Tell me how do you know about Earth?”

  Elidyr looked at him for a few moments in silence,

  ”Earth is the grandest and most secure prison in the entire universe, Lucifer. It was built to imprison and prevent you from coming here. Yet you are here. All those lives lost for nothing” Elidyr sighed,

  Michael clenched his fist. He couldn’t process the information given by the dark elf. His mind was in complete chaos. If what Elidy said was true, his entire life was a sham and those who imprisoned him were punishing him for something he didn’t even think of doing.

  Gaya was stunned as her mind went blank. She came to his side and placed her hand on his shoulder to reassure him because she knew his entire world was collapsing.

  ”What about my parents on Earth? They were imprisoned too?” Michael’s voice stuttered. For some reason, he felt a lump in his throat. It was too much for him to rationalize and process. He even started to sweat. To be honest, he wanted to sit down.

  ”Have you met your parents on Earth?” asked Elidyr as Michael slowly shook his head,

  ”You have no parents on Earth. Your parents are from this world”

  Michael’s heart skipped a beat.

  ”Tell us who they are” asked Gaya immediately,

  ”That’s an answer only time can give you”
Only silence filled the surroundings for a few moments before Michael opened his mouth. His eyes already began to flicker in crimson red,

  ”Who imprisoned me?” asked Michael coldly. Gaya felt the air around her getting chilly. Soon, the sky started to turn darker and darker. The wind howled ominously warning them about the approaching storm.

  “The same people who imprisoned me, Skyhall”

  Every time the elf opened his mouth, he stunned Michael and Gaya. It took them several minutes before speaking again,


  ”You must be thinking the Guardians are the bad guys, cute” Elidyr chuckled,

  Wilkas stood alone listening to their conversation. He was pretty freaked out by the sudden change in weather and the crimson red eyes of sixty-six. His eyes were glowing in red as though they were rubies.

  ”I want to know everything”

  Michael’s entire world collapsed in front of him. Everything he knew and believed was said to be nothing but smoke and mirror. He was sick of being in the darkness and wanted to know everything about him and his origins from the dark elf.

  ”The least I can do for you is give you some answers before I wither away”
Elidyr sighed as he began to narrate everything from the beginning starting from three thousand years ago.

  The story began three thousand years ago with Qiu Jin ascending to the throne of Holy Maiden. Michael didn’t know that Qiu Jin, one of the founders of Mazeorth, was the Holy Maiden of Skyhall. She was a 6-star Runemaster and according to Elidyr, at the peak of her power, she invented an array that let her soul travel through time.

  Her time travel adventure turned out successful but not without a cost.

  The entire Skyhall was thrown into chaos when their beloved goddess returned from the future half dead. She was an Immortal stage cultivator yet something or someone almost took her life. She was never the same afterward. To let the world know about the approaching danger, she built another array with the help of her friends to let the Skyhall see the approaching calamity. The elders of Skyhall and a selected few witnessed a glimpse of the future.

  Elidyr was one of the elders of Skyhall who watched the world fall into darkness. Qin Jiu called the future world, the dark realm. There was neither sun nor moon in the dark realm, there was only utter chaos and darkness.

  People of the dark realm were stripped of their free will. They lived and died as mere cattle. In the world filled with darkness, only one stood atop and ruled the dark realm with an iron fist and dread, The Dark Lord.

  Qin Jiu was terrified of his power. She claimed even the gods left the universe fearing the dark lord’s powers and the only way to stop the dark lord was to imprison the Dark Lord before he reached the pinnacle of his power. Elidyr and the other elders were aware of Earth but they did not know how they created a void universe, there were records of it.

  Qin Jiu’s words turned out to be the prophecy and each of the selected few who witnessed the glimpse of the future created a Great Clan of their own to protect the world and prepare for the Great War against the Dark Lord.

  What they witnessed pushed the Skyhall to take drastic measures. They scoured the world for the Dark Lord. They massacred anyone who slightly deviated from the path of good in the name of the greater good. After the disappearance of Qiu Jin, the once protector of the world slowly turned into

  something they were supposed to fight against.

  Some believed Qin Jiu died due to the injuries she suffered during her time travel, some believed she went back to the future again and some believed she ascended to the realm of angels after reaching the Celestial stage. No matter the reason behind her disappearance, it resulted in Skyhall building prisons, mass graves, torturing thousands of people, and wiping out entire races they deemed evil.

  Elidyr along with some other elders couldn’t stand and watch doing nothing. They defected the Skyhall but not before Elidyr finished a ritual that would open the gate to Earth. Elidyr and the others saw the Skyhall turning the world into the dark realm without even the Dark Lord. Hence, they worked in the shadows to put a stop to the madness. As time went by, they were called the Order and when the Skyhall found out about them, they branded the Order as the Order of Death.

  Although the Order of Death was powerful, they couldn’t stop Skyhall from capturing the founders of the Order including Elidyr. Elidyr believed some escaped but he wasn’t fortunate. The Skyhall marked him as the traitor and chained him to the tree, chaining him with powerful curses.

  He was to suffer all the eternity alone.

  ”And twenty-one years ago, I felt the portal to the Earth open and I knew, they found you”

  ”How do they know for sure it’s the Dark Lord they found?” asked Gaya. She was burning with overwhelming rage for what they did to Michael,

  ”Qin Jiu left the Skyhall the means to locate the Dark Lord. Nineteen months ago, I felt the gate to earth open again. Only this time, no one was sent to earth. On the contrary, you came here. This means Qin Jiu was right, it was you who sent to earth twenty-one years ago and there is no mistake, you are the Dark Lord”
The armor of Lucifer had completely covered his body along with the cloud of darkness. He transformed into a complete Lucifer form without his control.

  ”My parents, what happened to them?” Michael growled. Gaya felt a chill as his voice had never sounded more demonic and cold like this before.

  ”The ritual required your ties to be cut off. The strongest tie of them all is the bond between you and your family. To cut the bone, your family had to give you away willingly, and since they sent you to earth-”

  ”They didn’t abandon me” Michael interrupted as the area grew darker. Wilkas was shivering seeing what was happening in front of him. He was in total shock. If he had seen a way to escape, he would have already called for help because it was too freaky.

  ”They gave me away willingly” Michael looked up at the sky. Tears rolled out of his eyes and seeing the tears, Gaya couldn’t hold back her tears. This was the first time she had seen him shed tears. In the corner of his heart, he always believed his parents didn’t abandon him but forced him to leave him for some reason. His belief was shattered as he realized they gave him away willingly.

  ”If the Skyhall was capable of genocide, they were also capable of torturing his parents. What if they killed his family?” Gaya asked Elidyr. Gaya would rather hear his family was killed than give him away willingly. She knew how much pain he was going through.

  ”The ritual doesn’t work that way and killing his family would not cut the ties. The ritual was extremely powerful and volatile, any mistakes or changes would have resulted in a calamity”
”What about Abras? The owner of this body? Is it a coincidence I ended up in him?”
Michael did not ask more about his parents. He got his answers. There was no need for him to know more. They willingly gave him away and as much as it hurt him, at least his heart could be at peace.