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The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path   Author:一十四洲
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I belong to a good sect that has never turned its back on me for my poor potential, has never forced me to study martial arts, and even helped arrange a betrothal for me when I was young. My fiancée is a much renowned hot-tempered young miss. She’s beautiful, strong, and deeply loves me. Upon my start down the path of the Jianghu, I entirely relied on her to provide cover for me and before long, I became renowned as the #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path. Yet one day, I discovered that this person is apparently a man. A man in drag! More unforgivable is that he thought I was a woman dressing as a man! Me, as if my liver and guts are being cut to pieces: “Brother, what have you done with my fiancée?” Him, as if a knife has been twisted in his heart: “Brother, what have *you* done with my fiancée?” The waters of the Jianghu are indeed murky. Even if I am starving, even if I’m dying far from home, from this point on, I will not eat even a mouthful of rice prepared by him. —So fragrant.
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Chapter 209 - Finally, The Dust of the Past is Gone

  After being loved by his apprentice. Lin Shu leaned against his shoulder and wanted to sleep again.

  But he saw another small feather floating on him.

  He picked up the feather and asked Xiao Shao, “What is this?”

  Xiao Shao: “Phoenix feather.”

  Lin Shu: “Why did it float out?”

  For the first time, Xiao Shao’s voice had an aggrieved nasal sound: “I ran out to find you after 15 years of Nirvana…… I’m still…… shedding hair.”

  Lin Shu laughed. Xiao Shao..











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