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Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine   Author:Yu Fang
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He was the cold-blooded prince of the Jin country. Decisive and smart, he had looked down on the world with apathy and disdain. She was his Wang fei, a person who had saved him in the past, but even he wouldn’t look at her. When the fire raged and death claimed her, it was only then that she realized her existence was nothing but a joke from the beginning. She opened her eyes once more after spending two years as a roaming, vengeful ghost. In this lifetime, Ye Zhen promises that she will be a different person. With a slight smile, she will ruthlessly trample on those who had schemed against her and lied until her demise! Most importantly, she would let him experience the pain of an unrequited love; the bitterness of seeking something you cannot obtain!
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Chapter 481: She Is My Wife

  Huangfu Chen looked a little dazed. He lowered his eyes, and a trace of sadness flashed across his handsome face.

  "Master?" Ye Zhen turned her head to look at him. Seeing that he was just silent, her curiosity piqued.

  “Mu Xue is the younger sister of an old friend,” Huangfu Chen said lightly. "If she is by Zhao Tianji's side, you must remember to be more careful." "

  “Master, what's the relationship between Mu Xue and Mu Qing?" she asked in a low voice.

  At the me..











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