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Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting, While I Started a F   Author:Oof
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Rejuvenation of spiritual energy, prevalence of martial arts, and extraordinary awakening, Jiang He said that he didn’t panic at all. With a farm system, farming can become stronger. What should I do if I practice too slowly? Don’t panic, plant some cucumbers to eat. Cucumber effects: clearing away heat and detoxification (relieving hundreds of toxins), strengthening the brain and calming the nerves (increasing mental power), strengthening the body (increasing cultivation) What should I do if I practice without martial arts? Go to Baidu and copy a copy of Jiuyang Magical Art. By the way, let me give you some fattening feed. “Ding!” “Congratulations to the host for successfully planting an enhanced version of Nine Suns Magic Art.” [Enhanced version of Nine Suns Magic Art] “Cultivation is complete, but the nine suns can come out, burning the mountains and boiling the sea.” Jiang He: “Wait, system, is this peas in particular? It’s not edible, and the method of use is to throw vigorously??”
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Chapter 600 (END) - I Would Be An Eternal In A Thousand Years (End)

  EndlessFantasy Translation

  EndlessFantasy Translation

  Without any Saints obstructing, the entire Demon Realm was soon emptied.

  Every last Demon corpse above Golden Immortal was dumped before Jiang He, piling into a hill.

  Jiang He waved his hand, throwing the bodies into the space of the world in his body, and they were soon shining as they started to ‘sprout.’

  Working like clockwork, Jiang He threw every treasure obtained from the Demon Realm into the w..











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